Chapter 18: Little Miracle

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Kion slowly wakes up as the sunlight peaks through the opening of the tree. He yawns and lazily rolls onto his side.

"Good morning my Queen," he mumbles.

The voice of his beloved mate does not give her energetic "wakey wakey lazy bones" reply. Instead, he just receives silence.

"Fuli?" he asks as he sits up.

The spot beside him where Fuli slept was still warm meaning she had not left long ago. However, it was not like her to leave without him knowing. Just as he stood up to look for her, his ears twitch to the gentle pawsteps approaching him. Thankfully it was Fuli and Kion could not help but let out a sigh of relief. She walked slowly with her head facing down. She looked a little green in the face.

"Are you alright Fuli?" Kion asks, immediately rushing to her side.

"I'm fine," she croaks, "Felt sick again".

"That's the fifth time this week. Every morning when we wake up. You always feel sick in the morning but you feel better later on. That doesn't seem right," Kion says.

"Yeah, I guess so," Fuli replies.

"Let's go find Makini. Maybe she knows what's wrong and that she can help you," Kion suggests.

Kion tells her to stay in the den while he went to find Makini. He found her collecting herbs like she usually did in the early hours of the morning.

"Good morning Kion. What can I do for you?" she asks cheerily

"Fuli has not been feeling well for the past few days and she has not improved. Can you come check on her?" Kion asks, starting to get a little worried about his mate.

"Of course Kion. I just finished collecting the herbs I needed," Makini replies as she pops the herbs into a gord, "I can go see her now".

"Thank you," Kion answers.

They hurry back to the den and they find Fuli waiting for them in the sleeping area. She looked a little better than before.

"Hey Fuli! How are you doing?" Makini asks as she starts checking Fuli over.

"A little better than a few minutes ago," she replies, getting a little irritated by Makini checking her over.

Makini asks her a few questions which she answers honestly. Makini scratches her chin in thought.

"Can you lay on your side please?" Makini asks.

Fuli gives her a look, indicating that this was a weird request. Makini chuckles a little.

"I just want to confirm my suspicions," she explains.

Fuli lays on her side and she and Kion watch as she rests her ear on Fuli's stomach. Makini smiles brightly at the clueless felines.

"You carry a miracle, Fuli. I don't understand how it is possible but it is," Makini says trying to take in what she discovered.

"What do you mean?" Kion asks, "Is Fuli alright?"

"Yes. She is perfectly healthy. She is carrying life inside her. She is pregnant," Makini explains.

"How is that possible?" Fuli asks, surprised

Makini raises her hands in surrender and smiles, "I do not know. Perhaps the Kings and Queens of the past made it possible".

Kion smiles and nuzzles Fuli affectionately. He places a gentle paw on Fuli's stomach. It was not noticeable that she was pregnant yet but pride and joy filled his chest. He was going to be a father.

"I'm so happy! We're going to be parents!" Kion cheers.

Fuli was silent. She just stared at her stomach, trying to take in the fact that she was carrying cubs.

"I still don't believe it," she breathes, "This is too good to be true".

"We're going to be a family," Kion says, trying to contain his excitement.

Fuli nods and licks his cheek, "Yes we are".

"It is too early to determine how many, but you might be able to after a few months. If you need anything, just let me know," Makini says.

Kion and Fuli thank the young Majuzi and watch her leave. They were going to be parents soon.

"I was not expecting to be pregnant," Fuli admits.

"I know," Kion answers, "It was a surprise for me too. I cannot wait to be a father".

Fuli smiles at him, "You will be an amazing father, Kion".

"And you will be an amazing mother. How many do you think we'll have?"

She shrugs, "I'm not sure".

"If it is just one, I call dibs," Kion says playfully.

"Why do you get the first one?" Fuli argues with a slight chuckle.

"You can have the next one".

They laugh and Fuli nudges him, "No promises".

I'm surprised at how many of you guessed what this chapter was going to be about. I guess it was bound to happen 😂
Also, the calling dibs thing was inspired by a scene in Cobra Kai. I love that show so much!

Later Gators!

And please wish me luck for exam block...

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