Chapter 20: Uninvited Guest

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1 (technically 2) chapters to go!

A full moon rose with the night across the Tree of Life kingdom. The moon's gentle light casted dark shadows across the land. The perfect hiding place for uninvited guests. In the den at the Tree of Life, Fuli slept with her three newborn cubs in between her paws. She was exhausted after bringing her cubs into the world, her son and two daughters. Each of them were born with a destiny to fulfil once they were old enough. They will be presented to their subjects who lived in their kingdom in a few days so they can see who will be their next ruler. Fuli's mate, king of the Tree of Life took patrol and would return soon enough.

Fuli's ears twitch to the sound of pawsteps entering the den. She sleepily opens her eyes and looks in the direction of the sound.

"Kion? Is that you?" she asks.

She sees the silhouette of who entered the den, however it was one she did not recognise right away. The animal before her had a slim frame, built for running and a long tail. Their light fur against the glowing mushrooms highlighted their spots across their body and a malicious grin.

"Who are you?" Fuli growls as she stands, careful not to disturb her cubs, "As Queen of the Tree of Life, I demand to know who disturbs me at this hour".

"Ah. So you did decide to become Queen after all. That's surprising," the voice was deep - male -and he spoke with a slight accent.

His green eyes sparkle in the darkness and Fuli could not believe who it was.

"Azaad?" she asks.

"Been a long time, hasn't it, my queen?" Azaad says slyly like venom on his tongue, "Did you miss me?"

"I thought I told you to never come back," Fuli hissed.

Azaad almost seemed to shrink under Fuli's gaze. He tucks his tail between his legs and lowers his head. He looked emotionally hurt.

"I wanted to come home," he says softly, "I wanted to be with you. I tried to go as far away from here as I could to have a better life, but my actions will never be justified. I beg for your forgiveness".

"You're as sly as a fox, smooth talking it's prey and striking when it least expects it. I know you are lying, Azaad," Fuli snaps, "I see it in your eyes".

Azaad chuckles, "Clever. You always were smarter than me. I've heard many things about you while I suffered alone".

He turns to his side so Fuli can see the full extent of his scars across his body. She shivers at the gruesome sight. He had three deep scars across his back with many smaller ones on his sides. He had a scar across his lip and cheek and a very deep cross-shaped scar on his shoulder.

"What happened to you?" Fuli asks, her eyes full of fear and pity.

"Many things," Azaad replies darkly, "I journeyed across many lands, many of which already belonged to someone who gave me a scar as a warning for crossing their turf. Hyenas, jackals, wild dogs, leopards, lions and fellow cheetahs. Of course, I survived. I gave them a run for their money. Literally. Killed them in self defense sometimes. With each scar, I got stronger, but that's enough about me".

"You've gone mad," Fuli says quietly.

Azaad purrs, "Perhaps. I was disappointed to learn that Kion is now your mate".

"King Kion to you".

"He is not my king!"

One of the cubs wake up and mews for their mother. Azaad growls in the direction of the cub.

"You disgust me," he says, glaring at Fuli, "Hybrids are unnatural! For all this talk of keeping the circle of life in balance, you throw it away in the name of love? They never should have been born!"

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