Chapter 19: It is Time

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Ullu flies to the Tree of Life as fast as she can. Her white feathered wings flapping furiously in the wind. She finds the King and Queen sitting outside their den at the Tree of Life. She lands in front of them and bows in respect. The King and Queen smile and nod their heads at her in acknowledgement.

"Good morning, Ullu," Fuli greets with a smile.

"Good morning your Majesties," the snowy owl replies, "Kion's family has arrived and are on their way here as we speak".

Kion's eyes brighten at the mention of his family. They had travelled all the way from the Pridelands to see him and Fuli. The last time Kion had seen his family was when he became king. It had been too long and he missed them terribly. Fuli was a little nervous about seeing his family. Ono and Anga would go to the Pridelands occasionally to send messages for Kion. Without a doubt they had told them about Rani, Baliyo and Surak's death thanks to Azaad. They had even told Simba and Nala that Fuli was expecting cubs and Kion was the father. Ono and Anga had assured Fuli that they were overjoyed to hear about her pregnancy, but she could not help but feel a little nervous.

"It's been so long since I've seen my parents and sister," Kion says, "I think Kiara is Queen of the Pridelands now".

"That's amazing to hear," Fuli replies, trying to hide her nervousness and failing miserably.

"You shouldn't be nervous Fuli," Kion answers, "They are here to see us and the little ones when they are born".

Fuli nods and looks at her stomach which had grown quite a bit. The cubs were due any day now. They had learned from Makini that they will have three cubs. Kion and Fuli's excitement grew every day. The occasional kick to remind them that they were going to be a family felt even more magical to the soon to be parents.

"They're here," Kion says suddenly.

He quickly gets up and walks towards his parents and sister. Fuli followed suit a little behind him. Kion embraces each of his family members lovingly.

"I missed you all so much," he says as he nuzzles Kiara.

"We missed you too Kion," she replies.

"Ono and Anga have told us everything that has happened. We are deeply sorry for the loss of Rani and her family," Nala says.

Kion nods, remembering what happened. Azaad went too far by killing Rani and setting the Tree of Life on fire in the name of his ancestors. He caused too much pain, grief and destruction for everyone. He will never be forgiven for his crimes.

"We're glad that everything is peaceful now and that you have found happiness," Simba says before looking at Fuli, "both of you".

Fuli smiles at Simba, understanding that he already saw her as part of the family. It felt a little strange to Fuli to be a part of a family. A real family. She had to admit, it was nice. Yes, she was relatively close with Kion's family when they lived in the Pridelands because she was part of the Lion Guard and one of Kion's closest friends. They had always particularly liked Fuli. She was strong, independent and honest. From the moment they had first met her, they instantly knew she would be a good influence on their son when he was getting into too much trouble whenever he played with Bunga. She was also never shy to say her opinion. They liked that about her.

"Are you excited to be an aunty, Kiara?" Fuli asks.

Kiara chuckles, "Of course I am. Kovu wished he could come but the Pridelands needed someone to stay".

"I understand," Fuli replies.

"Have you thought of any names?" Nala asks.

Kion shakes his head, "We have a few in mind, but we want to wait until the cubs are born".

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