Chapter 6: The Fire Flower

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Fuli runs across the desert as fast as her little legs could take her. She was tired but she could not stop to rest. In her mouth she had a dark orange flower with red at the tips of the petals and a yellow centre. Fuli finally arrives home in her mother's land. The grass was brown and crunchy and the waterhole was almost dry. Most of the animals that lived here had moved on. Fuli and her mother couldn't. Fuli had watched her mother grow weaker and weaker with each day. She barely moved or spoke. She spent most of her days sleeping. Fuli had learned of a flower the colour of fire with a strong sweet smell that grew in the desert. She had heard of it's healing miracles. She hoped if she could find it, it could help her mother.

"Mummy! Mummy, I'm here! I'm home!" Fuli yells.

She wasn't surprised to find the den to be quiet, but it wasn't warm or welcoming this time. Fuli drops the flower and steps closer to her mother. She nuzzles her gently as tears start to prickle her eyes.

"Mummy? Mummy wake up. You're gonna be ok now. Please say something".

Her mother's body was cold and her chest didn't rise or fall. Fuli leans her ear against her chest but she couldn't find her heart beat.

"Don't leave me here alone mum," Fuli cries.

Fuli wakes up and gasps for breath. She wanted to scream or throw up, but the last thing she needed was for anyone to worry about her more. She shuts her eyes tightly to stop any tears from escaping. Her heart beat slows down from its rapid pace as she calms down.

"I didn't want to ever remember that..." Fuli mutters.

It was still a bit early to get up so she rests her head on her paws. She had promised the others that they will have a meeting regarding who will officially take over if Kion eventually...
She didn't want to think about the possibility of him dying. They had already lost their queen. They can't lose their king so soon.

"The flower!" Fuli yells, "That has to be the cure!"

Fuli rushes out of her den, not caring if it was still early. She runs as fast as she can. Hope. She had forgotten this feeling. Maybe Kion will survive his illness after all. It could be his only chance. Fuli arrives at the trees where Ono and Anga have built their nests.

"Ono! Anga! Wake up! It's important!"

"Hapana! What's going on?!" Ono shrieks.

"Huh? What?" Anga groans.

They look down and see Fuli staring up at them, waiting impatiently.

"About time you woke up! Help me find Makini!" Fuli orders.

Without another word, Anga quickly takes flight and searches the land for the young Majusi. Luckily, Makini had gotten up early to collect herbs and flowers.

"I see her!" Anga says.

"Lead the way," Fuli replies.

They quickly find Makini. She jumps a little when she sees the three animals rush towards her.

"You guys are up early," says Makini with a smile.

"I think I know how to help Kion," Fuli explains, cutting right to the chase.

"You have? What is it?" Makini asks.

"It's a fire flower. They are orange with red tips and a yellow centre. It's supposed to have legendary healing properties, but they are very rare. If we can find one, I bet it will save him".

"I thought they were just a myth. Are you sure they are real?"

Fuli nods. Makini leans on her staff as she tries to remember what she had heard about fire flowers.

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