Chapter 8: Two Sides

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Stressing over exams and assignments now! This is why I write ahead of schedule 😅. The next few weeks are gonna be super hectic but I'll try to keep posting chapters. Again, this is why I write ahead 😂

Enjoy the chapter!

A new day comes and Fuli helps Kion ease back into his responsibilities. They start with the morning patrol. They decided to join their team, the Lion Guard. They were all happy to see Kion finally out of the den and trying to move on. Fuli could tell that Kion was a little overwhelmed to see their team all at once after being in the den alone for so long. He only ever had one visitor at a time and it was usually Fuli and Makini that came to check up on him. At least he was trying, that was the main thing. Fuli takes the lead as they start patrol. Kion didn't mind and this was probably what they had gotten used to in his absence. Bunga quickly walks beside Fuli. She could see he wanted to talk. They walk a little ways ahead of the others.

"Have you talked to Kion and about how we think Rani died?" he whispers so no one could overhear.

"No. I haven't told him we think she was murdered. It's hard enough for him as it is," Fuli replies.

"Will you?"

"I...I don't know, but for now, we keep quiet".

Kion sees Fuli and Bunga whispering to each other and he couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about. It was probably nothing. The sound of two animals arguing makes the Guard stop.

Fuli sighs, "I'll go sort this out. You guys continue the patrol. You coming, Kion?"

"We should continue the patrol. All of us together just in case. If they are still arguing, they can come see us later," Kion replies.

Fuli scoffs, "What happened to helping others? That argument sounds pretty bad. We should try to help them settle the issue".

"I'm sure they're fine, Fuli".

"I don't know how you and Rani did things, but this is how I do things," she starts.

"Fuli..." Kion growls threateningly.

"If you can't accept the way I do things, then go and let me do what I do," she snaps.

Kion almost roars at her. Everyone steps back just in case.

"I am your leader and King. You may have taken control of everything when I was gone but I'm back now, so step aside".

Fuli glares at Kion then looks at the others, "Go on patrol. I'll deal with the animals. Kion and I will finish this conversation later".

She walks off in the direction of the argument. Bunga taps Kion's shoulder.

"Let's just go," he says quietly.

Kion sighs and nods, "Let's go".

After the patrol, Kion finds Fuli talking with Makini at the Tree of Life.

"Fuli!" he yells.

Fuli says goodbye to Makini and approaches Kion.

"I take it that the patrol went yell?" Fuli asks, not hiding the disappointment to see Kion in her voice.

"Next time, you do what I say," Kion says calmly.

"I do things differently Kion. Why can't you understand that?"

"This is how I do things, so you need to work with me so we can get the tasks done better. Can you do that?"

"I am not going to be some pushover Kion! Can't you see that I am trying to help you?! That's all I've ever been doing! I've followed your orders, listened to your plans, watched your back, took care of you when we were on our way to the Tree of Life and when you were sick! The least you can do is thank me!" Fuli yells.

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