Chapter 12: Fire at the Tree of Life

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Fuli stares at Kion, frozen in shock. Her? The heir to the cheetah's share of the kingdom? Impossible! Kimbia could have possibly died, destroying her bloodline in the process when she left the Tree of Life.

"It is possible," Makini says slowly.

Fuli tries to hold back a laugh, but it comes out. She laughs so hard that her stomach was beginning to hurt as her eyes became watery.

"Me? A descendant of a cheetah who gave up everything to protect her coalition? That is too funny. Good joke, but no. It's not possible," she says after she managed to get her breath back, "Besides, Kimbia left. She gave up her claim to the throne. She has...I have no right at all".

"You could still take it. It is your birthright if you are the descendant," Kion replies.

"If," Fuli answers sharply.

Makini taps her chin in thought. There was always some sort of test for animals to determine if they are who they claim to be or if they would be a better King or in this case, Queen. There had to be a way to test if Fuli was the heir.

"Kimbia's gift!" Makini yells out excitedly.

Kion and Fuli look at her. Kion had his eyebrow raised slightly while Fuli tilts her head in confusion.

"Queen Kimbia gave her gift, the healing power to this tree. If you are the heir then you should be able to take it back," Makini explains.

"Please Fuli? Try it. What do we have to lose?" Kion begs.

Fuli shakes her head and scoffs, "What's the point? Even if I was this so-called descendant, what is the point of a Queen if she has no one to lead?"

"I know Azaad is the only other cheetah here, but you can still help me lead this entire kingdom. You don't need a coalition. You already have animals that follow your lead. You have me," Kion replies, looking deep into her emerald eyes.

Fuli's heart catches in her throat and she had to avoid Kion's gaze to breathe. Everyone is silent as she thinks. After a long minute of silence, she shakes her head and steps back. Kion could see that she was scared. Scared of a life, a title that she never wanted or even asked for. Scared of the possibilities.

"No. I don't want this. You're asking too much of me. I can't do it," Fuli whispers.

Kion steps closer to her to shorten the distance between them. Fuli's chest tightens and her legs were shaking.

"Fuli. Please. I'm begging you. We need a queen. We need you. I need you," Kion breathes.

Fuli scoffs, a single tear falling from her face, "No. you don't need me, Kion. You need Rani. I will not be her replacement. I will not be her shadow. I'm not going down this path. Not by choice. I renounce my title".

She runs off before Kion could say anything to convince her otherwise. Kion was about to run after her, but Makini uses her staff to block him.

"Let her go. She needs time to process all of this," she explains.

"I need her. I can't be King without her," Kion argues.

"First of all, she's hardly had time for herself since she was asked to become Queen. Give her a break for once. Besides, she's a cheetah and it's in her nature to be alone from time to time. She's been by your side since you woke up, which has been more compared to your time as the Lion Guard. Secondly, why do you need her?" Makini asks.

"She does what's right for the kingdom and sometimes her ideas-"

"No. That's not it. Do you need her because she reminds you of Rani or is it something else?"

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