Chapter 7: A Promise

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"Fuli?" Kion asks in a more serious tone, "Where is Rani?"

Fuli sighs. If nothing had hurt Kion in the past, this will surely break him.

"I don't know how else to say this but..."

"But what?"

Fuli looks at Makini for help. The young Majusi steps forward.

"Queen Rani is dead," Makini sighs.

Fuli and Makini don't say anything else. Kion stares at them stunned. His heart beats fast and his breaths are shakey. Rani was dead? This can't be possible. He must have heard them wrong or that this was a joke.

"No. I don't believe you," Kion snaps.

"She was found dead at the bottom of the canyon a few days ago," Makini explains.

"You're lying!" Kion screams as tears start to prickle his eyes.

Fuli and Makini glance at each other, but neither of them say anything. Kion breaks into tears. He curls himself into a tight ball and covers her eyes with his paws.

Makini quietly walks over to him and says "Kion...we know how you feel. Rani was special to everyone".

Kion growls at her. Her slaps her hand away, claws unsheathed. Makini shrieks in shock as she jumps back.

"Don't you dare mention her name! Leave me alone!" Kion roars.

Makini holds her staff close to her as she tries not to cry. Fuli examines her hand to see if Kion had scratched her. His claws must've missed her by a hair. Fuli growls at Kion.

"We know you are upset Kion. You are hurting. We all are, but it is no excuse to hurt others. You out of everyone should know that," Fuli says calmly, but the threat evident in her voice.

"Leave!" Kion orders.

Makini leaves the den a little fearful of Kion. Fuli stands her ground, but she too turns to leave.

"Find me when you are ready to chat...your highness," Fuli says quietly as she glares at him.

Kion ignores her. Fuli leaves the den, anger making her blood boil. Makini stands there waiting for her outside the den.

"Are you alright?" Fuli asks calmly.

"I'm fine. Thank you," Makini replies with a smile.

"Let's leave Kion alone for a while. Give him some time to calm down. He shouldn't have lashed out at you".

"He's upset. It's fine. He'll most likely stay inside for a few days".

Fuli nods, "I'll let the others know he's ok".

A few days pass and Kion did not leave the den once. As far as Fuli knew, he sat in the same spot motionless. He barely ate or drank anything. As a new day comes, the young cheetah queen leaves her den, about to go for a hunt. She quickly hunts a zebra, eats her share and starts dragging the carcass to the Tree of Life.

"Fuli!" Yells a voice.

Fuli drops the carcass and smiles as Azaad approaches.

"Morning Azaad," Fuli says.

Azaad smiles a charming smile, "Say, I was wondering if you and I would like to spend some time together. It's been a while since it was just you and me and I think a little break would do you some good".

"Sorry Azaad, but I've got duties to attend to. Being Queen is hard and even harder when Kion won't leave the den," Fuli sighs sadly.

"It's not your fault," Azaad says with ears folded slightly, "I understand. Another time right?"

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