Chapter 5: Death of a Queen

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The chapter we have all been waiting for is finally here. I shall finally post one of my favourite and most dramatic chapters yet! 🥳 Enjoy!!!

The land was casted in shadow, everything so dark you could barely see where you were going. The only light came from the stars and a crescent moon. Everything was silent except the occasional gust of wind that disturbed the trees. That night, a young lioness leaves the Tree of Life for the first time in days. Rani, still sick with grief silently walks through her kingdom. Her muscles ached from the movement of her muscles that have been doing nothing but sitting still and her eyes were heavy from barely any sleep. The only thoughts that she had in her head were about Kion. The way he smiled, his soft fur brushing against hers, his gentle purr when she nuzzled him. All that and more she would miss when he finally passes.

"He won't live more than three days, Rani. There's nothing else we can do. I'm sorry," was what Makini had told her.

Rani wanted to cry but she was already numb with the pain of knowing her mate was dying. She didn't know where she was heading, but when she finally looked up from the ground, Rani found herself in the canyon. This was where Kion learned more about his roar. Rani sighs as Kion drifts back into her mind. How was she ever going to keep going with life without him? Her soft steps echo through the canyons walls. A soft breeze flies through her fur and she remembers Kion learning how to master his roar. She stands at the canyon cliffs edge and looks at the stars. She sighs.


The sound of a rock being moved makes her ears twitch.

"Is someone there?" She calls.

No one answers and nothing happens. Maybe it was just her imagination. Suddenly someone slams into her and Rani is pushed off the edge of the cliff. Her claws catch the rock as she dangles hundreds of feet of the ground. Her heart hammers in her chest as she glances down at the drop. Rani looks up and she could see a pair of glowing eyes looking down at her. She sees their lips curled upwards in a wicked smile. They grab her paws and lean down to her ear. Rani could hardly breathe.

"Long live the Queen," the shadow whispers.

They make Rani lose her grip on the edge and she screams. There was no peace as Rani fell towards her death. Only struggle. The struggle to survive.

"Fuli!" Ooloo shrieks as she rushes into Fuli's den.

Fuli groans and opens her eyes. The sun had barely risen over the horizon, but the sky was slowly changing colour and the last of the stars had disappeared.

"What's going on?" Fuli asks as she rubs her eyes.

"It's Rani! Someone found her in the canyon!" The white owl explains, not bothering to lower her voice.

"She left the tree? Is she alright?"

"No Fuli! She was found dead at the bottom of the cliff!"

Fuli's eyes widen in shock. Rani was dead? This had to be a joke or a dream.

"A-Are you serious?" Fuli asks slowly.

She notices a tear fall from Ooloo's face. She wasn't joking even the slightest. Fuli notices her breathing go shaky and her heart beating faster. This couldn't be happening. She quickly gets up, ignoring how dizzy she felt from Ooloo's news.

"Find the others. I'm going to the canyon".

"Yes Queen Fuli!" Ooloo replies as she flies off.

Fuli runs to the canyon as fast as she can. A few animals had already gathered to mourn their dead queen. They step away as Fuli approaches. Tears fall down her cheeks as she gets closer to Rani. Fuli gently leans her head against Rani's cheek. Her body was cold and unmoving. She had several cuts covering her body from the fall and a puddle of blood had almost dried under her head.

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