Chapter 21: Destiny

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"Kion look," Fuli whispers.

Kion looks at the three tiny cubs in Fuli's paws. He hears them mew softly.

"They're trying to open their eyes for the first time," Fuli explains as she licks their foreheads.

Kion watches as Kasi, the youngest cub open her eyes. She grins as she looks at her parents for the time. She tries to climb out of Fuli's paws towards Kion.

Fuli chuckles, "She's a curious little one".

Fuli lets Kasi make her way over to Kion. The little cub's dark amber eyes look up at Kion as she sits in front of him. Kion rests his head on his paws so he is level with his daughter. She mews softly and taps her paw on his nose.

"Kamili has green eyes," Fuli says, getting Kion's attention.

He looks at his first born cub and sure enough, she had beautiful bright emerald eyes just like Fuli.

"She's beautiful," Kion says.

Then finally, Mlinzi opens his eyes to reveal blue eyes. Both Kion and Fuli were a little surprised, but they knew he must've gotten them from Nala.

"Looks like they've opened their eyes just time for the presentation tomorrow," Kion says.

Fuli nods, "The kingdom has been waiting to see them. I've heard they are all really excited".

Kion chuckles, "You have no idea".

The next morning before dawn, Makini visits the royal family to make sure everything is alright for the cubs' presentation. She paints a symbol on each of their foreheads before turning to Kion and Fuli.

"You must be so excited and proud to present your cubs to the kingdom," she says.

"Indeed we are," Kion replies.

"How are your wounds? Are they healing well?" Makini asks, referring to Kion's injuries from his fight with Azaad.

"They've healed nicely. The scratches on my stomach are still a little sore and may leave a scar though," he explains.

Makini quickly inspects his wounds and sighs in relief, "At least they are not infected. I still want you to take it easy for a few more days just in case".

The light of the dawn sneaks partly inside the den, making Kion, Makini and Fuli turn. They could hear the excited chatter of the animals waiting outside.

"It is time," Makini whispers excitedly.

She gently picks up Kamili and makes her way outside. Fuli nuzzles Kion and licks his cheek before she picks up Mlinzi and Kion picks up Kasi. They stand in front of the crowd and the animals quite down.

"We are here today to celebrate a miracle. A miracle that will keep the Tree of Life in balance for as long as they live. King Kion and Queen Fuli have given us hope for a better future that will by led by their three cubs," The animals cheer for the three new members of the Tree of Life, "We will honour the ancient traditions of the cheetah coalition by bringing back their ways of protecting the land. Princess Kasi will be leader of the Day Runners". Kion steps forward and presents Kasi to the Kingdom. The animals cheer for Kasi until Makini raises her hand to quiet them so she can continue. "Once again, we will have a new leader of the Night Pride. Prince Mlinzi will be that leader," Fuli steps forward beside Kion to present Mlinzi and once again the animals cheer. Makini takes few steps in front of them, holding the final cub over her shoulder. "And finally, I am honoured to present the future queen of the Tree of Life..." she holds Kamili out in front of her and holds her high for all to see, "Princess Kamili!"

The animals cheer louder for their future queen. Kion and Fuli couldn't help, but beam with pride. The animals cheer and dance for the new prince and princesses. They break out in songs of praise as the sun rises high in the sky and shines onto the cubs. The wind dances around the animals, letting petals and leaves float onto the ground. Kion and Fuli glance at each other and smile. This is where they belong. This is their home. Their cubs home. This is where they found their destiny and the destiny of their cubs will be discovered once the time is right.

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