Chapter 14: Betrayal

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After Fuli woke up from a short nap, she had gone to the watering hole for a drink. It was there that she found Nirmala and was trapped in a somewhat interesting conversation with her about healing remedies, herbs and other ways to help injuries.

"It's funny," Nirmala says, "Seawater is great for infected injuries but seaweed has so far been useless when it comes to healing properties".

"That's weird," Fuli chuckles.

"How have you been since yesterday?" Nirmala asks.

"Oh not you too. It's bad enough I have Kion looking out for me like I'm about to lose my head. I'm fine and I'm taking it easy," Fuli replies, her frustration evident in her voice.

"He does it because he's worried about you. You two are close friends, right? It's only natural that he's looking out for you like you have been for him. Try not to be too upset about it," she answers

"I'll keep it in mind. Thanks, Nirmala. I better get back before Kion freaks out," Fuli says as she leaves.

They say their goodbyes and part ways. Fuli couldn't help but smile at the thought that Kion was worried about her, however, his way of showing it was a little too much for her. She arrives at the den and waits for Kion. She was a little surprised to see him trudge back to her den looking anxious and tense. She was curious to know what happened.

"Hey," she says when he enters the den, "Are you alright?"

Kion shakes his head, "Baliyo and Surak are missing".

"What?! How?" Fuli asks.

"They went with Azaad to get seaweed for Makini and Nirmala. They had to go into the ocean to get some and the currents pulled them away. That's what Azaad said at least. I've sent a search party for them," Kion answers.

Fuli moves closer to him and nuzzles him to comfort him, "I'm so sorry".

"This is hard, Fuli," Kion whispers, his voice breaking, "I don't want to lose anyone else".

"I understand Kion," she replies.

Kion returns her nuzzle, relaxing and finding comfort in her presence. He was glad he had Fuli with him. He didn't know what he would do if she wasn't by his side. He didn't want to even think about it.

"I need to go make sure the scouts have left," Kion mutters.

Fuli pulls away from him and nods, "I'll be here if you need me".

Kion gives her a smile and leaves her den. He walks fast and hopes that he can get this over and done with as soon as possible so he could go back to Fuli. It was a strange feeling, Kion admitted to himself. Whenever he was with Fuli, everything felt...right. He was glad she was his best friend and partner. He couldn't ask for anyone better.

Azaad smiles when he sees Fuli sitting outside her den. He had so much he needed to say to her.

"Hey Azaad," she greets, "I heard what happened with Baliyo and Surak. I'm so sorry".

"You're a sight for sore eyes after that incident," Azaad replies.

"I'm here if you want to talk," Fuli says.

He nods, "Do you have the gift?"

"The gift?" Fuli asks.

"Don't be silly. I know you took the gift of healing from the tree. The fire was a little extreme, I will admit, but the risk was worth it in the end".

"How do you know about the gift?"

"I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you that you were the descendant of Queen Kimbia. That mark on your forehead and the will to put her people's needs before her own is how I knew. You are the true Queen of these lands Fuli. It's your birthright and you have proven yourself not only by obtaining the gift but by also building the trust of everyone who lives here," Azaad explains.

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