Chapter 13: Can't afford to Lose

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Kion sighs in frustration as animal scream and yell at him. They had gathered in front of the Tree of Life that was burnt and blackened with ash.

"How did the Tree of Life catch on fire?! The tree is gone! Someone could have been hurt or even killed!" The animals scream.

"Everyone stop!" Kion yells, silencing the crowd, "I will deal with this. The tree will regrow. It wasn't burnt entirely. I will find out how it caught on fire, I promise".

After a long discussion with the angry animals, Kion was finally able to calm them down. It was difficult without Fuli by his side. She needed to rest after what happened and she renounced her title as well. He needed to do this as their King. He sits down once the last of the animals have left. Ullu flies and lands in front of him.

"Are you alright your highness?" She asks softly.

"I'm fine, Ullu. Anything to report?"

"No sire. However, ever since the fire, the animals have been...worried and concerned," Ullu answers.

Kion gives her a look that makes her shiver.

"They believe you are unfit to rule if you cannot find out the cause of the fire".

Kion growls in frustration. He gets up and begins to walk. Ullu quickly follows him.

"I don't understand Ullu. I've done everything the best I can for them. Fuli too. We've worked tirelessly to keep everyone safe and happy, but it comes tumbling down as soon as one misfortune that was out of our control happens," he growls.

"I know sire. Baliyo and Surak left with Azaad to help him with something in his territory last night. They should be back eventually," Ullu replies.

Kion nods, "And Fuli?"

"I saw her leave her den..."

Kion groans. Of course Fuli would leave her den as soon as she could stand. He should've known.

"Any idea where she was headed? Was she alone?" Kion asks, his worry covered by the frustration in his voice.

"It looked like she was heading to the canyon. Bunga is with her," Ullu answers.

Kion sighs in relief, "Thank you Ullu. You may go".

The snowy owl nods her head and flies off through the sky. Kion quickly makes his way to the canyon, hoping to catch up to Fuli and Bunga. The wind was colder than usual as he walked through the canyon. He took caution on where he stepped so he didn't make any noise. He preferred staying away from canyons, but there were many occasions that forced him into these places. His grandfather died in a canyon. Rani too. These places were nothing, but cursed to him. The idea of falling from such a height made his stomach churn. He sniffs the air, hoping to catch a scent of Fuli and Bunga. The awful stench of a honey Badger makes him recoil in disgust. Bunga was probably overdue to be cleaned. Not too clean so that the stench is gone. They learned the hard way back in the Pridelands when Bunga needed to save a hyrax from being blown away by Kion's roar. It was better to keep him somewhat smelly. He follows the scent to a section of the canyon until he could faintly hear their voices. He was relieved to hear them, but their conversation intrigued him.

"These leaves looked similar to the one we found," he hears Bunga say.

"Yes, but they are not slimy or salty for that matter. I think it was longer too," Fuli replies.

"It's the only clue we have so far. There was nothing else here," Bunga argues.

Kion follows their voices up a stony pathway and onto a flat area on the cliff.

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