Chapter 11: Secrets and Truths

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Hi everyone! Thank you for waiting so patiently for this chapter. It's been a crazy few weeks with study, exams and school camp. I hope you enjoy the chapter!

As they walk, Kion keeps glancing at Fuli as they go on their morning patrol. Fuli was tense, more than usual and she keeps staring intently at the ground obviously deep in thought. Kion had noticed her 'zoning out' for it would take him several times for him to say her name to get her attention. She was a little jumpy and agreed with him more often instead of butting in and telling him how to do something better.

"Fuli? Can we talk?" Kion asks.

She doesn't answer. Kion sighs and tries to keep his cool.


She jumps and quickly looks at him, "Huh? What?"

"You keep spacing out. What's on your mind?" Kion asks.

"Nothing," Fuli replies.

"Fuli, I know you. What's wrong?" Kion asks.

"I told you, nothing is wrong. I'm just a little tired," Fuli snaps.

Kion takes a deep breath, but says nothing. They didn't need to have another argument after working so well together. They run into several animals on their patrol with Kion making the decisions without any input from Fuli. Getting a little frustrated from Fuli's lack of concentration, Kion decides to give her one last chance. He speaks to another animal as Fuli stays trapped in her thoughts. Kion tells the animal to play along after he tells it what to do for its problem.

"I believe that instead of talking to the birds, you should bash their tree until it either falls or they leave for good, " Kion says before nudging Fuli, "what do think Queen Fuli?"

She looks up, clearly confused and agrees with him.

"You have no idea what I said," Kion snaps.

"What makes you say that?" Fuli argues.

"You just agreed that instead of talking to the birds to stop singing before dawn; this animal here either breaks the tree or annoy the birds until they leave," he answers.

Fuli looks away, "I thought you said something else. I must have misheard you".

Kion rolls his eyes, "Uh huh".

He dismisses the animal and waits until they are out of ear shot before looking back at Fuli, "I know something is on your mind. I want to help you. Don't you trust me enough to talk to me?"

"Don't give me the trust talk, Kion. I can deal with this on my own without you. I've just been thinking about something and that's it," she bites.

Kion growls in frustration, "So? I just want to help. I can't help until you tell me what's wrong".

Fuli's growls as well and unsheathes her claws as a warning. They were both losing their temper and fast.

"Kion! Fuli!" Makini yells as she runs over to them, "I found something!"

"We're kind of busy Makini," Kion mutters.

"Yeah yeah, royal duties. They can wait. This can't Kion," Makini snaps as she yanks his ear.

"Ow! That hurts!" Kion yells, but Makini doesn't let him go.

"Both of you stop arguing and let's go. You too Fuli," Makini orders as she finally frees Kion's ear.

Kion and Fuli quickly follow Makini, not that they had much of a choice. She leads them inside the Tree of Life and follows the pathway of ancient paintings on the walls.

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