Chapter 1~Regina

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People shoved me around as I struggled to get to class. I couldn't believe it, I went from the most popular girl in the whole school to just as much as a loser as Janis. I made it to science and slumped into my seat. I sat by myself since no one wanted to be my lab partner.

At lunch I sat by myself again, I looked over at Gretchen, Karen and Cady. They seemed to be having the time of their lives. In fact everyone seemed happier that I was no longer in power. I stuffed some bread into my mouth. It wasn't fair.


When I got home my oh so lovely mother was waiting at the door.

"So, Regina how as school is there anything I can get you?" I rolled my eyes at her.

"You can get me a new school, that would be great."

'What happened?"

"UGH LEAVE ME ALONE!" I stormed off to my room. After about 15 minutes my mother comes knocking.

"Honey, I thought about what you said, so I found a house for sale in Sherwood, Ohio. We are moving there so you can restart at a new school." A new school in a new town in a new state, it was perfect, no one would know who I was, I could reclaim my title as a queen bee.

"So when are we moving?"

"Next week."


The next week at school I didn't even care that people would shove me around, all I cared was that I was going to be at a new school.

It was the second to last class of the day and the bell had just rang. I ran out of the classroom and into none other than Janis Sarkisian.

"Woah Regina calm down. Are you okay?" She asked as she helped me pick up my fallen books.

"I'm fine, just excited- Ew why am I talking to you."

"I don't know."

"Well anyway I'm moving from the terrible town and going to a new school. Tomorrow!"

"You're- you're moving?"

"Yes! Tell Cady she can keep her "queen bee" title and I don't want it back." I skipped down the hall.

The rest of the week went by fairly quickly.

Then it was time, time to move. I had completely packed my room, it was very plain without all my pink decorations. So much room. Hopefully my new room was just as big.

The moving truck came. They packed everything in the house to the back of the truck. Well three trucks.

Mom and I got in the car. Once the moving trucks had pulled out we drove behind them.

After a 6 hour drive, we had made it to our new house.

The mover people had already begun to unpack, in about 3 hours, they had unpacked all three trucks.

While my mom paid the movers I wondered around outside, it didn't seem we had any neighbors. Well there was a huge house across the street, which I wasn't sure was occupied.

"Regina come inside! It's late!" Mom screamed.

"Whatever," I walked to the house and inside. Tomorrow was a Saturday so I didn't understand why it mattered.

I went to my new room and got ready for bed. In two days I would be attending Westerberg High, and reclaiming my title as queen bee.

But I had no idea what was coming.

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