Chapter 20 ~ Cady

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I sat in the guest bedroom of the host home with the Burn Book in my lap. I flipped through the pages, one of them had been torn out. I continued through the book. I saw my name

Cady Heron is a fugly cow and whore. She acts dumb to get people to like her cause she doesn't want to be a "loser".

It looked there was another part underneath that but it was scratched out. This was it, this was how I was going to get my revenge on ex-plastics and Heather Chandler.

•the next day•

I clutched the bag with the Burn book close to my side as I made the way to the principal's office. There was no way of telling how this would work but I just hoped it did.

I knocked on the office door.

"Come in."

I pulled out the Burn Book and gave the water works. Without any words I handed him the book.

"It's so upsetting, I found in the girls bathroom. The things it says about me, the things it says about all the girls in this school." I let out a fake sob.

"Dear lord, Betty Finn fills her inhaler with Vodka!? Is that even possible."

I shrugged.

"Ms. Fleming is having multiple affairs with students. Jesus. Don't worry Ms. Heron, we will find out who did this."

I pulled out a sticky note. "There are only four girls in the whole school who aren't in it." I handed over the sticky note. I was dismissed. The halls were empty, this is my moment. I tossed all the photocopied and printed photos from the Burn Book and threw them out in the hall. Soon the bell rang dismissing all the students.

People began to pick up the papers.

"Hey did you say that?"

"Why would I say that?"

"Have you seen this!?"

"You were the only person who knew that!"

"I didn't tell anyone."

"I didn't do it."

"Did you do it!?"

Girls began to throw punches at each other. Teacher flooded the halls. Soon it was as crazy as a pack of lions hunting a zebra. I saw Regina, Karen, Gretchen and Chandler walking out of the principal's office. They all shocked at the mess in the hallway.

Ms. Fleming pulled out a whistle and blew it. The principal gave her a grateful look. "ALL JUNIOR GIRLS REPORT TO THE GYMNASIUM IMMEDIATELY! IMMEDIATELY!" All the girls made their way to the gym.

•3rd person•

"Now, all of you must know why you are here." Principal stated. "Ms. Fleming here is going to hold a remediation with you kids so you can get a hold of yourselves." He stormed out of the gym leaving all the girls with Ms. Fleming.

"So girls, here is what I want you to do. I want you to write and apology, go stand on that table, read it out loud and then jump into all the girls in the crowd as a trust exercise, so we can except each other."

Some girl got in line for apologies while the rest huddled around the table to catch them.

"Betty, I'm sorry I told people you used Vodka in your inhaler and that it was also a vape." Some redhead said and jumped off the table to be caught by all the girls.

"Martha, I'm sorry for making fun of you for kissing Ram in kindergarten." McNamara said and dived off the table, she was caught.

"Gretchen, I'm sorry I laughed at you that one time you got diarrhea on the Farris wheel, and I'm sorry for repeating it now, and I'm sorry for the people below us." Karen giggled and fell back and was caught.

"Janis, I'm sorry I called you a lesbian in 8th grade." Regina was caught.

"Everyone, I'm sorry that this happened to us. I wish we could go back to when we were little. And I wish we could bake a cake filled with rainbows and happiness."

"She doesn't even go here!"

"Do you go to this school?" Ms. Fleming asked. The girl shook her head. "I'm here for a track meet, I just have a lot of emotions." The girl got off the table

Cady stood on the table with a deep sigh. "Regina. I'm sorry about joining the plastics under Janis' influence to help her get revenge on you. I'm sorry she made me give you those Kalteen bars and made me get those secrets out of Gretchen and tell Aaron." Cady was caught.

People turned to look at Regina, who looked like she could kill someone, and Janis, who looked mortified. This wasn't going to end well.

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