Chapter 11~ Janis and Cady

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•janis's pov•

Later that night I laid in bed wondering if Regina really meant her apology. Logically I texted Damian to ask him.

Janis: Hey, u up?

Read 2:43 am

Well that was rude. Damian wouldn't leave me on read. Soon he did reply.

Damian: Now I am, what do you want?

Then I explained everything that had happened that day. How I found out Regina was at Westerberg and how she apologized.

Damian: well this may sound rude but, accept her apology and get close to that clique. Cady will get irritated out of her mind since she won't be popular anymore and boom, we have beat her at her own game.

Janis: just what I was thinking.

•the next morning at school•

I found Damian in my Geometry class. Veronica was in it too along with her other friend Heather McNamara.

I sat with Damian, yellow Heather girl and Veronica.

"So who is your host?" Yellow Heather asked Damian.

"Kurt Kelly. He is most definitely in the closet."

"Tell me about it, him and Ram act so sexual around each other I can't see how he wouldn't be," Yellow Heather and Damian both laughed and continued to talk.

"So how is everything with Regina?" Veronica asked after a bit.

"Well, she apologized for all the space dyke stuff and we are cool now."

"That's good. I was worried you guys wouldn't make up..."

"I'm glad we did. One, it would've been awkward knowing you are friends with her and me at the same time. Two, now I can be sure she won't tell people false rumors about me. And three, this is going to get on Cady's nerves, so I guess this could also kinda be revenge."

Class then started.

The day went by pretty fast, soon lunch hit and I sat with the Heathers, Veronica, Regina, and Damian too.

It was pretty fun. I wasn't used to sitting with so many people so it was kind of awkward at first but I soon fell into rythm with everyone else at the table.

Then the plastics walked into the cafeteria.

•cady's pov•

I walked into the cafeteria, Gretchen and Karen followed. It still felt odd to have them follow me everywhere but I was pretty used to it. I scanned around for Aaron. But before I could find him my eyes landed on something shocking.

It was the strangest thing I've ever seen, and I've watched a snake eat a cow.

There were 6 girls and one boy. Two of the girls I recognized, Regina and Janis. First of all, Regina moved to Ohio!? Of all the places she came here? And second of all her and Janis seemed to be talking like they were besties. Last time I checked they hated each other. They had nothing in common either!

Well to be honest I'm pretty sure Regina hates me and Janis doesn't seem to fond of me now either. Guess they have that.

The boy was Damian, Damian who always complaining about the plastics and their fake personalities was eating lunch with one.

The four girls I didn't know definitely seemed to be popular. Everyone walked by the table quickly, especially when passing the girl in red. I assumed she was I charge. So much for being popular here.

"Is that Regina?" Gretchen asked. Her face was confused and panicked.

"She must've moved to Ohio." I replied still in shock myself.

"And is she hanging out with Janis!?"


"GWUAK GWUAK GWUAK GWUAK GWUAK! This isn't happening, this can't be happening. Pinch me I must be dreaming." Karen then pinched Gretchen who gave an annoyed look.

"Not literally pinch me!"

"But you said to."

I shushed them, "Guys focus. Follow me." We made our way to the center of the cafeteria. I could feel the stares of students as we made are way near the group of girls in the middle.

I tried to avoid making eye contact with any of them but the girl in red managed to. She had a look that said, "don't even try to mess with me". I quickly looked away. We sat at the table next to the group of girls.

"Hey you, who do you think you are?" The girl in red asked.

"I'm Cady Heron," I said with some confidence. Not much though, this girl was quite intimidating.

"Well Cady Heron, move."

"Excuse me, no one is sitting here so I say we have plenty of rights to."

"Well, this is part of my table, and I'm sitting there, so move."

Then Regina walked over, "Chan, I got this."

The girl in red gave one last irritated look at me before storming back to her seat.

"Cady, sweetie, look. You're new here. You don't know how things work. The girl who just talked to you, that's Heather Chandler, she will ruin you more than I ruined Janis in eighth grade so I suggest you do as she asked before something bad happens." Regina gave an innocent smile and went back to her seat.

Janis asked her a question and Regina gave a response, then they both laughed and went back to eating and talking with Heather Chandler

Damian seemed to be occupied talking to a girl in yellow. They both seemed to be getting along great.

A girl in green and a girl in blue were talking as well.

They were clearly popular, but they were friends.

"Cady what are we going to do?" Gretchen asked in a worries tone.

"I don't know." I answered honestly. We clearly weren't going to get more popular then the most popular people at this school. But there wouldn't be too much harm in trying.

"This won't end well." Karen stated.

All Gretchen and I could do was agree.

Y'all I'm on a roll with these updates 😎

Hope you enjoyed :)

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