Last Friday Night (Part 2)~ Chapter 17

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1 am
Sirens buzzed outside. Janis cast me a worried look. "What do we do?" She asked.

"This has never happened before. I don't know."

Martha tapped my shoulder. "There is a passage through the woods in the backyard that leads to Veronica's house, I suggest you run there."

"But what about you?" Janis asked.

"I'll be fine. You guys just go!"

Me and Janis gave worried looks before running out of the back door and going through the woods.

"What passage are we looking for exactly?" Janis muttered as we wondered the woods.

"I don't know... Look homes."

"Maybe Veronica's house is one of them."

We ran. "I wonder why Martha let us go and told us about this short cut."

"She probably knows I'm staying with Veronica and wanted to help us get out."


"Look, it's Veronica's!" We ran. Janis climbed the fence and helped me over. We got to the side of the house. "I'll climb the tree and get inside, then I'll let you in from the front."

I nodded and ran to the front of the house. I could hear footsteps and the door swung open. Janis ushered me inside and we went to her room.

"What's going to happen to Martha?" Janis asked in a worried tone.

"I have no idea, Cady probably got her in so much trouble though." I sighed. Janis had passed out by now. I layed down and drifted off to sleep.

1:20 am
Everyone had left. It was just me and Martha. Martha was on the floor crying. I felt so bad, I had slapped her and now I was probably going to get her in so much trouble.

The police came into the house. Martha straighted up and whipped her tears. The officers came up to us.

"Good evening ladies, we have received a noise complaint. This is just a warning."

"Yes sir thank you." Martha said. I awkwardly nodded.

He nodded and walked off.

"Oh thank God I thought something terrible would happen," Martha gave a relieved breathe and steadied herself on the wall, "Well I guess I need to pick up..."

"No, I'll do it. You need to go to bed."


"I'll do it." I started picking up the red solo cups that littered the floor. Martha watched. She looked like she felt bad but went upstairs. I sighed and threw all the papers and food into a trash can.

I had made it to my host home. I felt bad for leaving Cady but I was scared to get in trouble. Plus she had just slapped Martha and I was a little scared of her.

I hadn't seen Karen around at all. I had texted her but I got no response. She was probably fine, but I still worried.

I was worried for Monday. Cady had just slapped someone and I was honestly worried that everyone would hate her... and me. I had also heard Karen almost got raped because of Cady. Rumors are rumors but if there was a chance it was true... no Cady wouldn't let that happen, unless... I could tell by Monday my social life was going to be done.

1:32 am
I had gone home with McNamara and Chandler. They were really nice to me. They were like real friends, not people I hang out with to be popular.

We were all up in McNamara's room. Me and Chandler has borrowed some pajamas.

"What do you think will happen to Martha?" Chandler asked picking at her nails.

"Hopefully nothing bad. Ram texted me a picture of Cady slapping Martha. Monday morning Cady is done for."

"Yikes, poor Martha."

"What will happen to Gretchen, she still hangs out with Cady." I asked, poor Gretch was probably freaking out.

"She didn't do it, she should be fine." McNamara assured me. But I wasn't so sure.

1:40 am
I ended up staying home with JD. I had some school work to catch up on and I had a weird gut feeling that told me to stay home. My phone beeped. It was from Ram. The picture was of Cady who from the looks of it had slapped Martha. Poor Martha, and Cady too I guess, everyone for sure hates her now.

I shook JD awake. "What...?" I murmmered.

"Look what Ram sent me." I held up the picture.

"Is that Cady... Slapping Martha?"

"Looks like it. Janis, Regina  and all the Heathers went, they probably know more what happened."

"Cady's social life is over." JD said.

"Well duh, slapping some innocent girl infront if the whole school does some damage."

He laughed, "True."

•the next morning•

I woke up in a bed not my own. I could feel someone next to me. I shot up in fear and I felt myself to make sure I was clothed. I still had everything on. I turned to see Janis lying there sleeping. I looked around some more. There was a suitcase on the ground and the room was pretty blue. This must be Janis' room at Veronica's. "How did we get here...?" I stood hazily and walked out of the room using the wall as my guide.

I found a door that had the name "Veronica" painted in blue calligraphy. I knocked. No answer. I opened the door. Veronica was laying with some dude. They were both sleeping. So they hooked up.

I closed the door and wondered back to were Janis was sleeping.

What happened last night!?

Then the memories came flooding back. Martha getting slapped, running through the woods, the police, cup condoms.

I went back to see Janis already awake. "What happened?" She asked rubbing her head.

"Police came to the party so we ran through the woods to get to Veronica's."

"Oh yeah."

"I should go home. My mom is probably freaking out. Okay who am I kidding she's not."

Janis laughed, which caused me to giggle as well. Veronica came in the room.

"Hey Veronica." Janis greeted.

"Hey, Janis, Regina?"

"Long story."

She nodded. "I just came to ask a question. What happened between Cady and Martha last night.

"Cady started screaming at Martha, about I don't what and then next thing you know she slapped her." Janis explained.

Veronica looked worried. "Was Martha okay?"

"Yeah, she was definitely hurt though." I said.

"Alright. Just wondering." Veronica waved and walked off.

"Cady's social life is ruined." Janis pointed out. She got up and grabbed some clothes from her suit case.

"Well I'm gonna get going."

"Alright, see you at school on Monday."

I nodded and waved goodbye before going home.
When I got there the first thing I did was check my phone, I had left it here.

Fist text was from Ram, the picture of Cady slapping Martha. Second from Chandler, this one explained how Karen was almost raped by Shane Oman and Cady did nothing and how McNamara and her thought they should let the girl join the clique. Then the final text was from Karen, she asked if we could make up and be friends (as if were in the first place) again.

Regina: I've learned to forgive, I mean I made up with Janis of all people in the world. Of course we can be friends again Karen.

Karen: 👍🏻
A/N: So Karen is now a Heather hehehe ;)

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