Chapter 15~ Regina

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Friday came in a flash. This week had been pretty great, lets recap shall we. One, I ended up becoming friends with Janis again. Two, me and Aaron are on good terms now and three, I was popular again. The only thing that made it sucky was Cady.

That bitch. People has started to kiss up to her. In just a matter of weeks Chandler has almost completely lost her power. This had become war.

I was in homeroom when Chandler came storming through the door. She looked like she could murder someone on the spot. She angrily slammed her stuff onto her desk and took a seat.

"What's wrong?" I knew I probably shouldn't ask, but I needed to know what could've happened to but her in this bad of a mood.

"I woke up to a lovely text from Janis saying that Cady had invited her to a 'get together.'" Chandler added air quotes, "Can you believe her!? The audacity to invite her and not me."

"Calm down Heather, it probably is nothing more than a get together, it's Valentine's day anyway, that is probably what it's for." I explained.


Classes went by and soon it was lunch. I went and sat with the Heathers, Damian and Janis.

"Okay you won't believe what Kurt told me." Duke said as she slide into her seat.

"What happened now?" Janis questioned.

"Cady is throwing a party tonight, it's exclusive or something. Any of you guys invited?"

"I actually was." Janis said quietly.

"THAT BITCH! How could she do that to me!" Chandler yelled.

"You aren't friends with her." McNamara pointed out.

"So? We are enemies you always invite people you don't like to things like that!"

"She's right." I said as I picked at my sandwich.

"Ugh, we are crashing that party-" Gretchen came up to our table with a paper and dropped it then left. We all sat in confusion, no one wanting to pick up what Gretchen has left.

Damian decided to be the brave soul and picked up the paper. "You are invited to a Valentine's day spectacular on Friday 14th, starting at 8 pm. No admission required. 9266 Luther Avenue." He read.

"That's Martha's address." Veronica spoke quietly.

"That's probably Cady's host home."

"So apperantly Cady and Gretchen planned this together with different ideas of a get together." Duke said.

"Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw looks like we have a party to go to."
Damian drove me and Janis to the "party". Veronica had some homework to catch up on so she stayed home.

When we got there we could hear the music from inside and see the tons of kids outside on the porch yelling and acting stupid.

"This seems to be going well." Damian muttered as we walked to the house.

"Oh gosh." I gagged at the smell of drugs and alcohol as I entered the house. All I could think about was poor Martha and what Cady had caused to her home.
I woke up in a bed not my own. I could feel someone next to me. I shot up in fear and I felt myself to make sure I was clothed. I still had everything on. I turned to see Janis lying there sleeping. I looked around some more. There was a suitcase on the ground and the room was pretty blue. This must be Janis' room at Veronica's. "How did we get here...?" I stood hazily and walked out of the room using the wall as my guide.

I found a door that had the name "Veronica" painted in blue calligraphy. I knocked. No answer. I opened the door. Veronica was laying with some dude. They were both sleeping. So they hooked up.

I closed the door and wondered back to were Janis was sleeping.

What happened last night!?

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