Chapter 10~ Regina

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I sat with Chandler in her car as we drove to Veronica's to pick her up. I wondered if she had picked up Janis yet. We soon arrived and I went up to the front door and knocked.

Veronica swung the door open, behind her stood my once best friend, Janis Sarkisian.

Janis looked slightly different from when I last saw her. Her hair was longer and her bleached tips seemed to had been redone. She wore a paint splatted shirt and a pair of sweats. She looked down at her self-painted converse.

Veronica seemed to sense some kind of tension since she started talking, "Heather is coming?"


"Alrighty, well I'm ready to go, how about you guys?"

Me and Janis both kind of awkwardly nodded.

Veronica skipped down the steps of her porch and made her way to the car, she swung herself into the shotgun seat with a look on her face that said she was definitely planning something.

Janis and I climbed into the back seat.

"Heather, this is my exchange student, Janis Sarkisian. Janis, this is Heather Chandler."

Heather turned around and made eye contact with Janis who looked a bit intimidated. "Nice to meet you, do you think you could handle this clique."

"I'll manage," Janis replied coolly.

Heather seemed to be please by the answer since she turned around and began to drive.

"Could you slow down you're going to kill us all," Veronica moaned.

"Why don't you drive then!?" Heather shot back.

"Pull over and we'll see!" The two girls continued to bicker.

"God, they never stop arguing!" I whined.

"They remind me of us in mode school," Janis said with a chuckle.

"We used to argue about every little thing! Then we would end up apologizing and go to Baskin Robbins and-"

"Get chocolate waffle cones with gummy bears on top," Janis and I both giggled as we recalled all those times.

"And we would used to say how we would be best friends forever..."


"We're here bitches." Chandler turned off the car and we all got out and made are way into the mall.

While Heather and Veronica argued over which store we should go to first I spotted the worst thing I could ever see.

Cady Heron was here. She stood with Gretchen and Karen.

I practically screamed. Janis seemed to notice the look on my face cause she soon saw what I saw too.

Veronica and Heather came over to see what we were looking at.

"Is that Cady and your other ex friends?" Heather asked.

"Yep." I murmmered. Janis gave an uncomfortable look. Guess the plastics had put some damage on her.

"Let's go to Victoria's Secret and just ignore them."

We all muttered in agreement. Seeing Cady had kind of set off the mood. We made are way to Victoria's Secret.

Heather and Veronica made their way to the perfume section. The two girls laughed and looked around like any best friends would. It kind of reminded me of when Janis and I came into the store together for the first time.


"Hey JJ, do you know what's at that store?" Sixth grade me asked.

"I don't know, I see all the high school girls go in there and buy fancy bras and undies," Janis replied before taking a lick of her ice cream.

"Wanna go in?"


We walked into Victoria's Secret and walked around until we found them, the bras and underwear. We giggled as we pulled out all the different colored and shapes of undergarments.


The memory made my heart feel warm. It made me remember the simpler times, before I decided being popular was a top priority.

When Janis was my friend everything seemed better. It seems no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't fully hate her. There was a part of me that would always be soft for her and I couldn't seem to change that.

•at the food court•

After a couple hours of shopping we all made our way to the food court. Heather and I both went and got Panda Express.

"You Janis seem to have tension," Heather said.

"In eight grade I called her out as a lesbian, even though she wasn't. We've kinda hated each other since."

"We're you friends before?"


"I think she would give you a second chance, she seems chill."

"I don't know."

"Just give it a try, if she hates you she hates you, but if she is willing to forgive you shouldn't miss out on that chance to make things up."

"Wise words."

"I try."

We got our food and found Veronica and Janis. Heather moved to sit next to Janis but then Veronica started screaming, "HEATHER! Come sit next to me!"

Heather rolled her eyes at Veronica as she slid next to her. The eye roll wasn't in an annoyed way though, more in a "you're and idiot but I love you" way.

They were real friends. I missed that, it was something I hadn't had since middle school since I became so power hungry. But it was something I was slowly regaining. That's when I decided to do it.

"Janis, can I talk to you. Privately?"

Janis seemed confused but nodded and followed me. I took a deep breath.

"Janis, we used to be so close, then I messed everything up with the lesbian rumor. I was just thinking about myself I was a power hungry 13 year old. I just wanted to be popular, which is stupid. I'm sorry."

Janis stood in shock to what I had just said. I highly doubted that she believed any of that, but I meant it.

"Are, are you apologizing?"

"Yeah, I am."

"I- wow. Um, I was not expecting that. Look Regina, what you did was horrible and mean, but everyone deserves a second chance. So I sure hope you meant that apology because I forgive you."

I was not expecting that. But I felt good knowing that I could go home tonight and rip out the words Janis is a space dyke.

I updated twice in a week. Guys, aren't you so proud?

So yeah Regina and Janis are friends now. I've always had this head canon of them becoming besties again cuz they secretly didn't really hate each other as much as they said. This is a fanfic so I can make all my dreams come true and make them friends       again lololol

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