Chapter 21 ~ Janis

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"Regina. Regina! REGINA!" I yelled chasing after her. I should've told her the truth about this when we made up the first time.

Regina stopped on the cross walk and turned around. "What? Did you not think to say something about the Kalteen bars or using Cady for petty 8th grade revenge!?"

"Regina I'm so sorry I should've said something."

"But you didn't. You know what. You can take that fake apology, roll it real tight and shove it up your hairy-" At that moment a bus came by and hit Regina, sending her flying across the parking lot.

Chandler ran up to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "What happened?"

"She got hit!" I ran over to Regina to check for a pulse while some teachers called an ambulance.

•three weeks later•

Ever since the Burn Book incident, almost every clique had dropped. People just sat were there were spots. No one really cared anymore.

Regina was still in the hospital. Cady still sat by herself, Veronica with JD, the Heathers and Karen sat together and I sat with Damian and Gretchen, who had seemingly separated herself from the "popular people".

From what it seemed I wasn't really a Heather anymore, though I still hung out with Veronica, I had no status, there was nothing, no points.

So I got up and say next to Cady. She looked at me when I slide next to her.

"What?" She asked.

"I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry for being a really crappy person and forcing you to do that stuff to Regina."

"Janis, you have no reason to be sorry... I... I was the one who was being a crappy person, I... have to go." She got up and ran off.

Gretchen came up to me. "What was that?"

"No clue, she just sprinted off."

Gretchen nodded and sat down. "All this sucks, I kinda wish I stayed at North Shore."

"Me too." I mumbled. Aaron came up to me.

"Hey Janis can we talk." He said.

"Uh yeah." I followed him out of the Cafeteria.

"I need to know."

"Know what?"

"The truth about the burn book."

"The truth?"

"You are friends with Regina so you must know something."

He had a point. "Okay, she took girls yearbook pictures, cut them out and wrote comments, except the comments were really mean. It wasn't meant for anyone to see but someone found it."

"Cady did it."


"She just came clean to Ms. Fleming, they're sending her back to North Shore to finish the school year."

"God Cady's so stupid, thanks Aaron I got to go." I ran off to find Cady.

She was at Ms. Fleming's classroom. "MS. FLEMING! I helped her."

"Wha -"

"Janis no." Cady frowned at me.

"Yes, I helped her do it."

"Dear God, you are both going to be sent back to North Shore by the end of the week, you understand me?" We both nodded. She walked off.

"Janis why'd you do that!? I've been nothing but terrible to you since we got here." Cady exclaimed.

"Caddie, Aaron told me you turned yourself in. That's what the old Cady would do, you've changed a lot, and I can't let you take all the blame."

She hugged me and started crying. I wrapped my arms around her and we stayed like that for a long time.

The New Heather (Mean Girls x Heathers AU) ✓Where stories live. Discover now