Chapter 6~ Heather Chandler

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"A student exchange program!?" I exclaimed for probably the hundredth time.

"Yes Heather, some kids from Northshore High are coming to Westerberg." Duke said again.

"This is so stupid." I huffed.

"Meh, I'll talk to you later, I gotta eat lunch."

"Bye." Duke hung up. I layed back in my bed and groaned. No one was available. Veronica was out of town for the weekend, Mac was sick, Regina was doing some unpacking at her house.


Maybe I could go see if Regina was done. I drove down to her place and rang on the door bell, Regina opened.

"Hey Heather." She said.

"Hi, you doing anything right now, I'm bored."

"Not that I can think of."

"Great let's go shopping!"

"Sure, MOM I'M GOING OUT I'LL BE BACK IN AN HOUR OR TWO." Regina slipped on some shoes and grabbed her bag and we got in my car.

"Okay so you will never guess what Duke told me." I said.


"Our school is doing a student exchange program and some kids from Northshore High are coming to our school."



"That was... My old school."

"Oh.... Shit." I pulled up at the mall parked.

"I want cheese fries." Regina muttered.

"Yeah, let's go to the food court then." We got our food and sat in silence.

"I need to show you something." Regina said suddenly.

"What?" I asked.

"It's something from my time at Northshore, and I need to show you, and the others."

"Uh, what is it..?"

"A book."

•at Regina's house•

Regina pulled out a box full of pictures and random objects. At the bottom was a pink book covered in weird pen marks and what not. The title said "Burn Book".

She opened it to a random page and handed it to me.

It had a picture of some random girl, who might I add looked like Veronica.

Janis Sarkisian is a space dyke.

"This book was were I put all the bad things and rumors about people from Northshore."

"That's terrible, you're a genius."

"Thanks, these are things we can have on people transferring."

I read some more pages, which looked more recent.

Gretchen Weiners is an unloyal bastard who follows and never can lead for herself

Karen Smith is a dumb slutty bitch. Screws her cousins.

Cady Heron is a fugly cow and whore. She acts dumb to get people to like her cause she doesn't want to be a "loser". Hangs out with two pitiful gays.

I flipped the page and read it.

Westerberg addition

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