Chapter 3~ Heather McNamara

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The house across the street had been empty for years. I never expected for anyone to ever move in.

Well today three moving trucks had pulled up in front of the house and made it clear someone was moving in.  From what I saw there was a girl around my age who got out of the car that had pulled up behind the trucks. She looked very fashionable, kinda reminded me of Heather......Chandler.

But pink.

I had been on the phone with Heather earlier that day. She was in the hospital. She had downed a cup of draino a week ago, courtesy of JD and Veronica. Thankfully she was fine and decided to forgive them.

Which shocked everyone, well who knew. Chandler and Veronica made sure no one knew what had really happened, except some people. Including me.

What people where told was that Veronica was over at Chandler's and they where pouring blue Gatorade into cups to share it, there was a mug of draino, and oops.

It was a great cover up for a murder attempt. Heather told me and Duke though.

Of course with Heather not really being able to be at school, there has been some trouble over leadership. Me and Duke where struggling to keep the Heathers the head clique. Of course Veronica helped, but she has been spending more time with JD.

With all that happening a new girl was going to make us crumble. She looked like she was very popular, so there goes the Heathers....


I had the most brilliant idea.


The next morning I woke up extra early to get dressed and make cookies. When they had cooled off I put them in a bag and rode my bike across the street. I went to the front door and knocked.

The girl I saw yesterday answered.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Hi I'm Heather McNamara, I live across the street. I uh made cookies, as a welcome to the neighborhood gift." I said handing her the cookies.


"So what's your name?"

"Regina George."

"So, Regina, are you going to be going to Westerberg High?"


"I go there I could show you around!"

"Huh, how much of a loser are you." Wow, she really reminded me of Chandler.

"I'm friends with the most popular girl in the school, she's in the hospital though..."

Regina's face softened. Not alot, but I saw the change in expression. "What happened?" She asked.

"Downed a cup of draino on accident, mistaked it for Gatorade..."

"So, are you having a leadership crisis?" I was catching her attention.

"We could use a new member to out clique, to help balance things out, would you care to join?"

"Yes!- erm I mean, I could."

"Great see you on Monday!" I left and peddled back across the street. My plan had worked, now I had Regina under control, so she wouldn't over throw us. She was with us.

Wow I sound creepy.

Anyway I went back home and called Chandler.

"HEATHER! Great timing I was going to call you, I'm going back to school in Monday." I pulled my phone away from my ear to spare myself from her shrieking.

"I have news too. There is a new girl, definitely Heather material, I offered to show her around on Monday, have her work with us instead of against."

"Perfect. I don't need to be replaced."

We chatted a bit more before Heather decided it was time to let Duke and Veronica know the news. I hung up and decided to do some homework.

In time, we were going to have a new Heather in out group.

The New Heather (Mean Girls x Heathers AU) ✓Where stories live. Discover now