Chapter 19 ~ Cady and Janis

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•Cady's pov•

You're almost invisible when you're upset. I walked into school and no one gave an ounce of attention to me. Of course not, I just slapped someone for no reason and after I yelled at them and trashed their house. Martha had forgiven me but she still didn't really want to talk and I understood that.

I sat in the back of the cafeteria near some kid named JD. I'm pretty sure he was Veronica's boyfriend. I stared at Gretchen as she sat down with the Heathers. Great.

"Miss your minions?" I turned around. JD stared at me with an amused look.

"They aren't my minions. They were my friends." I defended

"Who followed you around and did your evil bidding with no question."

"What do you want."

"Nothing, just saying." I rolled my eyes at him and went back to picking at my food.

"Ya know they have this book, full of mean things." He went on.

"Yeah, Veronica tell you that?"

"Well thought you might want to know." He shrugged.

As the day went on I felt worse and worse. More irritated at Regina and Chandler by the minute. I luckily had no classes with them so I had nothing to worry about.

I was at my locker at the end of the day.

I saw Chandler and Regina at the end of the hall talking quietly. God I hated them. Regina closed her locker and then walked off.

As I walked by I noticed her locker wasn't closed all the way. I took a peak inside. I caught I a glimpse of a pink book.

"Ya know they have this book, full of mean things."

The Burn Book

Regina left it in her locker! I hesitantly opened up her locker and opened my book bag. I slipped the Burn Book into my bag.

"Cady?" I slammed the locker and turned around. Janis was standing there.



"What are you doing?"

"This person left their locker opened so I was closing it for them." I mean, it was half true.

She nodded. "Look, I kind of wanted to apologize for overreacting at the party, you probably were making a real apology and I took some of your actions in the moment out of context."

"I- um, it's ok, I was just being a bitch."

Janis laughed. "See you around Cady."

I nodded, she walked off. I secured the Burn Book in my bag before following.

•Janis' pov•

I was at Regina's house with the rest of the Heathers and Damian.

Regina was currently tearing up her room looking for the Burn Book. "WHERE IS IT!?" She shrieked.

"Regina, calm down, you probably left it in your locker or something." McNamara said.


"Point taken." Mac responded.

"Look, it probably is just in your locker. You can bring it home tomorrow and boom, problem solved." Damian stated.

"Okay, okay." Regina nodded and slipped into a chair near her vanity.

Slowly, everyone left but me and Regina. "Janis, what if someone gets the book."

"The odds of that happening are so slim, I wouldn't worry."

"Are you sure? What if I left it somewhere outside my locker?"


"I don't know, the girls bathroom?"

"Did you have it in there?"


"Wanna go get ice cream instead of worrying?"

"Great idea."


A/N: hehe so you guys probably know what's coming in the next chapter.

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