Chapter 7~ Veronica

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Duke had just told me about the student exchange program.

To be honest it sounded really cool. New people meant more chances to make friends who didn't know you for being a "Heather" and would want to get to know you.

The weekend passed by and soon it was Monday. After third period was lunch block so I decided to go to the front office to ask about the student exchange program.

I walked up to the receptionist, hoping to get some information.

"Excuse me?" The grumpy old lady and the reception desk turned around. She had a nasty look on her face, which made me a little uncomfortable.

"Yes?" She asked in a sarcastic and ride tone. I don't really think she wanted to be here.

"Um, I heard there was a student exchange program and I wanted to see if there was any information..?"

The old lady handed me a sheet and shooed me off. I had a couple more questions but I decided to walk away instead.

I sat on a group of chairs outside the office and read through the sheet. It talked about where the students where coming from and how it was going to work with us. Then it was there, a way for me to get involved.

Students attending Westerberg are encouraged to be interactive with the program. How do they do this? The students coming will need a place to stay. On the back of this sheet is a permission form for parents and students to sign allowing a student coming to stay at a Westerberg students house.

I flipped the sheet over and filled out the student part of the form. I then stuffed it in a folder and ran to the cafeteria.

I went to my usual table with the Heathers and Regina. Chandler looked up at me with a glare.

"Where were you?" She asked.

"Getting information on the student exchange program," I slid into my seat. Chandler took the paper from my hand and read through it, front and back.

"Are you really doing this?" She said shoving the paper back at me.

"Why not, it would be fun to get to meet more people and what not."


Regina then spoke up, "You guys want to come over after school?"

We all nodded and agreed.

•after school•

Regina drove us to her house, well it was more a mansion like Mac's but whatever.

We mostly chilled, watched Netflix and gossiped. Then McNamara said we should play hide and go seek. Since none of us wanted to hurt her feelings, we agreed.

That is when the chaos began.

Duke had gone to hide Regina's cabinet. I'm not sure how she fit in there but she did. When I found her she fell out, along with somethings inside.

We decided to pick them up, but then we found it, the burn book.

"We should put it back-"

"No way! I want to see what this is!" Duke snatched the book out of my hand and flipped it open. It was full of pictures and terrible things about each person in the picture. There where pages for Gretchen, Karen and Cady, Regina's ex best friends, that's when I realized it was just a vent book she had to be bitchy.

Chandler and McNamara came in.

"AH, hi!" Duke shoved the book into the cabinet.

"What was that?" Mac pulled the book back out and began to read. Chandler leaned over her.

Then Regina walked in. Mac threw the book at me and it hit me in the face and I fell on to Duke who fell onto Chandler and the three on is ended up on the ground.

"Are you guys okay..."

"NO." Chandler rolled over and stood up. "We found your burn book."

"I needed to show the rest of you sooner or later." Regina grabbed it. "This book started off as a venting thing, then it became more a blackmail thing. Someone does something I find out, write down, and now they are stuck with doing what I say."

"That's kinda like, really smart," Mac muttered and looked down, "sorry we were digging through it though."

"I wouldn't add you guys, I was going to show you any way. It's a thing I should tell people."


We all ended up downstairs eating macaroni and cheese, curiosity of Mrs. George. She also served us some kind of alcoholic looking drink.

"Does this have alcohol?" Duke asked.

"No... unless you want it to then I can add it-"

"I'm good..."

"Alright have fun kids."

And I guess we did, we spent the next hour eating and composing the Westerberg addition of the burn book.

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