Chapter 2~Janis

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There was no way in hell I was going to believe that Regina was moving. She wasn't going to let Cady beat her.


The next day I had Damien drive us by Regina's house, just to see if she was telling the truth.

And she was. Three trucks where there, the movers caring stuff out of her house. I couldn't believe it, Regina was going to be gone, forever.

"She's really moving..." Damien said in shock. "I don't believe it!"

"Me either, but I guess it's the truth."

Damien drove us to school, I got out of the car and went to find Cady. She was sitting in the front talking with Gretchen and Karen.

"What do you want Janis?" She asked. She was turning plastic.

"Regina wanted me to tell you, you can keep the queen bee title."

"What why?" Gretchen barged in.

"She's moving."

"Where!? When!?"

Cady put a hand over Gretchen's mouth. "Calm down."

"This morning, I don't know where. Hope you're happy." I walked off leaving the plastics and their new leader in shock.


Later that day while walking to lunch I saw a very eye catching flyer on the wall.

Student exchange program sign up! It said. That's was interesting. It gave some more info about signing up and what not. That would mean a chance to get away from the plastics and this school, and all my problems.

I went to Ms. Norbury's room with the flyer in hand. "Ms. Norbury?" I asked.

"Yes, come in Janis." She said.

I walked in and showed her the flyer. "I was wondering if I could sign up?"

"Oh yes of course! I have a couple sheets for you to sign, parents signatures and all, turn them in by the due date and you should be good."

I took the sheets and thanked her. I went to lunch and slid next to Damien.

"Wanna get out of this dump for a bit?" I asked.

"We aren't ditching school to run away to Canada again Janis." He told me.

"What that was one time- There is a student exchange program, in two months."


"Yeah, I'm so going, how about you?"

"Anything to get out of here."

We went to Ms. Norbury's room to get Damien a sign up sheet. When we got there Aaron Samuels was in there talking to Ms. Norbury about the exchange program.

That definitely meant Cady was going to sign up, and if Cady was going, Gretchen and Karen would follow, so much for leaving behind the plastics.

Damien and I went in and got the papers.


Soon enough school was over and Damien was driving me home.

"What's wrong Janis?" He asked.

"Nothing." I replied.

"You look more depressed than usual, what happened?"

I sighed, "Aaron is doing the exchange program too, so ya know, the plastics are gonna come too. And I was doing this too escape them."

"Well then don't go."

"But I want to, to just be away for a while. But if the plastics come I feel like that might just ruin everything."

"They probably won't talk to you so I wouldn't worry about it. Just go and have fun, plus I'll be there so it'll be double the fun."

I laughed. Soon we got to my house. And I went inside. I dropped the student exchange program papers on the counter where my mom could see them and went to my room.

Damien was right, I wasn't going to let the plastics ruin this opportunity for me.

I was going to sign up for the student exchange program and go to Sherwood, Ohio.

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