Chapter 8~ Veronica

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When I got home from Regina's I went straight to my parents. They sat in the living room.

"Mom, dad can I ask you something?" I asked as I slid into a chair.

"What is it sweetie?"

I pulled out the paper for the student exchange program. "Westerberg is doing a student exchange program and I was wondering if we could be a host home for the students coming?"

My dad took the paper and read through it. "I think we could make it work." He handed the paper to my mom who nodded.

"I'll sign the paper and write the check in the morning." I smiled and said goodnight to my parents.

•two weeks later•

I was in fourth period when I was called to the front office. I was a bit concerned, did I do something? Was I going to get in trouble? Did something happen outside of school?

I nervously walked through the doors of the front office and up to the receptionist. "Um, hi I was called up?"

The receptionist looked up and rolled her eyes. She pulled out a file.

"What's you name?" Her voice was annoyed and tired.

"Veronica... Sawyer."

She flipped through the file till she found my name and pulled out a paper.

"Here you go, now shoo." I scoffed and walked off the with paper in my hand.

I sat on a bench outside the office and went over it

Dear Ms. Sawyer,
         As the student exchange program starts in one week, we are here to inform you of the student you are to be hosting and how the program will go.

Student name: Janis Sarkisian
Schedule: 1st period: Geometry, 2nd period: Physics, Lunch Block, 3rd period: Arts, 4th period: Foreign Language;French

Me and my exchange student, Janis, had all of the same classes as me, except for 3rd period. I continued to read.

Your student has already recieved their schedule.

They will arrive at Westerburg Sunday afternoon, you are required to come pick them up. They will be staying with you the rest of the school year unless there is a reason for other wise. Thank you for volenteering!

I finished the letter and walked back to class. In one week I would meet Janis Sarkisian, how exciting.

School eventually ended and decided to make a stop at 7-eleven to get some licorice. While there, I ran into JD.

JD was technically my boyfriend, but since what happened with Chandler I felt weird around him. I tried to avoid having him over since I didn't feel like what happened with Heather was just a one time accident. I felt like he knew that I had grabbed the wrong cup and let me go on with it knowing this stuff would kill her.

I stayed with him because I felt he needed someone to keep him sane, to keep him from trying to do what he did to Chandler to someone else.

"Hey JD," I walked up to him with a pack of cherry licorice in my hand. He had a slushy in one hand and the other hand was in the pocket of his ever so iconic treanch coat.

"Hey Ronnie, what's up with the exchange program?" He took a sip of his slushy.

"Oh, I found out who it is today, her name is Janis Sarkisian. I don't know anything about her but her scheduele though."

"Didn't your new friend, Regina, go to the school the exchange students are coming from?"

"Yeah, she did. Why?"

"Ask if she knew your exchange student, find some stuff out about her."

"I-... I didn't think about that... what if Regina tells me she's a bad person or really mean or snobby. I have to live with this girl for the rest of the school year. Oh lord I didn't think about this."

"Go ask Regina now! If she is a snob then you will know now and might have enough time to get a new exchange student." He had a point.

"Uh, okay?! Bye?" I handed off the licorice and ran out of the store, I needed to find Regina.

I made it to Regina's about 10 minutes later. I hopped out if my car and knocked on the front door. Mrs. George answered, "Hi Veronica how are you? Can I get you anything?"

"No thank you, I'm jsut here to talk to Regina."

"She is in her room. If you need anything just let me know," She said in a bit of a sing-song tone.

"Right... thank you," I ran up to Regina's room. She was laying in her bed watching Netflix when I got there.

"Hey Veronica," She paused her show, "What's up?" She motioned for me to come sit with her and I walked over and plopped on her bed.

"When you went to North Shore did you know Janis-"

"Sarkisian? I did know her..."

"Where you ever close with her?"

"We were best friends in middle school then I got a boyfriend and me and her started to get less and less close. The end of it was when I was having a pool party and I didn't invite her cause my mom said I could onlly invite so many girls... the truth was, she wasn't as popular anymore and I felt weird hanging with her, I was just so power hungry! I ended up saying I didn't want her there because she had a crush on me and I thought she was a lesbian. After that everyone was just mean to her, called her a space dyke, art freak a lot of other mean things. All thanks to me I guess."

Wow, I was not expecting that. I kinda felt bad for this Janis girl even though I didn't know her like at all. But I guess I could Regina's POV, she was a 13 year old who wanted people to like her.

"Why did you need to know?" Regina's question snapped me back to reality.

"She's my exchange student, wanted to know stuff about her before we met."

"Oh, well from the middle school memories I had with her she was great I guess, the kind of friend who would do anything for you. Don't know how much she's changed. She is great friends with Cady too, but that girl is becoming a little too much like me, I wouldn't be suprised if she dumped her already."

"Wow, poor girl can't get a break."

"Veronica can I tell you something?"

"Yeah sure?"

"Sometimes I wish I didn't drop Janis. She had a personality. Like you and the Heathers. You guys don't just follow me around like everyone else at North Shore did before I left, you all are my friends, not just people in a clique who I boss around like how it was with Gretchen and Karen. Janis was like that, she was my real friend and even though this would sound far out there for anyone to hear when they know how I treated her but I miss her and I wish were still friends."

"Well Regina, maybe she would be willing to give you a second chance."


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