Chapter 14~ Cady

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After hanging at the mall with Gretchen and Karen I made my way back to my host home. Martha, my hostest, was a weird girl. She liked unicorns and anime and loved The Princess Bride. Why? I couldn't tell you.

"Hey Cady!" Martha greeted me as I walked in. She was watching some anime show that I couldn't tell you the name of.

"Hi. Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure!" Martha seemed happy that I actually wanted to talk to her.

"Could I maybe have a party here on Friday?"

"My parents said I could only have 10 or less people over while they are gone..."

Shuck! No not shuck I was going to say shoot but I started to say fu-

"So unless you are inviting less than 10 people, no parties."

I decided to pull a move from Regina's book, "Well, I know you have a crush on Ram and the only real reason I was going to through it was to get him to come over to set you two up but I guess that won't happen now..."

Martha's eyes widened in panic, "WHO TOLD YOU!?"


"No one but Veronica and JD knew that..."


"She's a Heather, the blue one."

"Oh, JD?"

"Veronica's boyfriend, he always wears a trench coat."

"Is his full name by any chance Jason Dean?"


"Ah, he's in my homeroom. But anyway your crush is obvious."

"Apperantly! I got trashed at a party he threw by the Heathers. Veronica saved my butt though and totally stood up Chandler. Somehow they are still friends."

Friends... Were Gretchen and Karen my friends? Or did they just follow me around because I over threw Regina...

"Veronica went over that morning to apologize and got Chandler a drink for her hang over. It was blue Gatorade. But there was also a mug of draino and Veronica grabbed the wrong one..."

"She poisoned her?"

"Not on purpose, but yeah."

That didn't seem like an accident, I decided I would investigate later. For now I needed to convince Martha to throw a party.

"Are you sure we couldn't just throw the party?" I asked hopefully. Come on Martha work with me.

"Fine. You can invite 10 people. That's it."

"Perfect!" I ran upstairs to text Gretchen

Cady: I got Martha to let me invite 10 people over, so you, Karen, Aaron and I promised Martha I would invite Ram so that's 4.

Gretchen: YAY! Ok so I think that we should also invite Kurt, since he's a package deal with Ram, then who else.

Cady: I kinda want to invite Janis


Cady: But she is friends with Regina again and Regina is friends with the Heathers and the Heathers are on top of the social ladder. We can't invite Regina and the Heathers and we need popular people so we can invite Janis

The real reason I wanted to invite Janis was because I was jealous. I was jealous that she was friends with Regina. I had tried to cut Janis off to stay on top of the food chain and that had backfired. She was now friends with the most popular girls at Westerburg.

Gretchen: True, we can invite Janis. who else?

Cady: I think that's all, that's 6 plus me and Martha is 8

Gretchen: Alright

When Gretchen said alright, I thought she was agreeing to my guest list, but that wasn't exactly the case.

A/N: This update was in honor of Erika leaving mean girls, I will miss you Erika :(

The New Heather (Mean Girls x Heathers AU) ✓Where stories live. Discover now