Chapter 9~ Janis

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It was the middle of the might when we had to arrive at school to get driven to Ohio. I sat with Damian on the bus, I slept most of the ride since it was like one in the morning.

I remember departing from the school, next thing I knew, we were in Sherwood, Ohio.

"Janis, Jan wake up!" Damian shook me awake. I sat up slowly and rubbed my eyes, "Janis we're here."

"Already?" I yawned as I got up and collected my stuff, "Who are you looking for?" I asked Damian as we got off.

"Someone named Kurt Kelly? How about you?"

"Veronica Sawyer," We headed off the bus and looked around at all the students and their parents, most of them had signs with their students names on them. I got a bit nervous when I couldn't find my name, maybe they forgot to assign me. That wasn't the case. A girl with black sweat pants and a blue sweater was holding a giant sparkly sign with my name written on it. Damian bursted out laughing, "Oh boy, good luck Jan, you're going to need it," Damian patted me on the back and walked off.

I walked up to the girl with the sign, "Are you Veronica Sawyer?" I ask.

"I am, Janis Sarkisian?"

"That's me..."

"Great! We can stop at my house first! My friend, Regina George, is forcing me to go to the mall with her so you can come if you want, or you can stay behind, whatever you want to do." Regina went to Westerberg!? I didn't have enough time to process that since Veronica dragged me to her car and helped me load my bags into the trunk. On the drive home I decided to ask my dreaded question.

"Hey Veronica, did Regina ever say anything about me..."

"She told me how you two were bff's in middle school and what happened..." At that moment I wanted to curl up and die. Regina probably told her the space dyke story. The girl I'm going to be living with for the next few months most likely thinks I am a lesbian. Veronica continued, "She feels bad now believe it or not, I think she just got exposed to the rath of someone meaner than her and realized how fake people can be. She misses you, cause you were a real friend. She kinda hopes you are willing to give her a second chance."

"Who could be meaner than Regina?" I scoff.

"Heather Chandler, mythic bitch, most popular girl at Westerberg. This girl would probably kill some people to get her way. She would rather kill herself than see people she hates be happy, she makes sure they feel like they are rotting in hell 24/7."

"Yeesh, who else is in this clique?"

"Heather Duke. Follows Chandler around like her little secretary. Doesn't have a personality other than that, people say her boob job makes up for that though. Heather McNamara, head cheerleader, her dad is loaded, sells engagement rings. She's pretty down to earth and nice, she can still be bitchy, but not as bitchy as the other two. Then I guess there is me. I don't really call myself a Heather but I'm more or less a Heather, ya know."

"What about Regina?"

"I guess she's part of the clique now huh? Regina doesn't seem too bad though, she's not my bff but we are kinda close."

"Just wait till she tells everyone you're a lesbian, then you'll see how much you mean to her."

"Don't worry Janis, I'm sure Regina won't mention that, hopefully... Sooooooo are Regina's ex besties here too?"

"You mean Karen and Gretchen? Yeah they came. Only because Cady came. And Cady only came because her crush Aaron Samuels came."


"I know," We arrived at Veronica's house a few minutes later and we brought my stuff up into the guest bedroom.

"Well I'm heading to the mall with Regina, she should be here in a couple minutes. If you want to come you can."

I thought about it. I am being given the chance to restart with Regina and get close with the most popular girls at my new school, I could be known for who I am and not just as a "space dyke". On the other hand I might turn plastic and loose the truest part of myself.  Then I thought about Cady, and how she felt toward me now. She didn't hate me but she definitely didn't like me anymore, even though I tried to be friendly. I could get popular, that would annoy Cady, that's how I could get back at her for dumping me and treating me like trash, by taking her title.

"I think I kinda do want to go!"


Omg guys I'm updating twice in one month!!!!

Kk hope you enjoyed you bootiful beans :)

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