Last Friday Night~ Chapter 16

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Friday February 14th, 8:01 pm
When Kurt and Ram showed up with half the school I freaked out and went to find Gretchen.

"Gretch!" I yelled.

"What?" She asked.

"Can you tell me why Kurt and Ram have half the school here with them!?"

"I may have handed out invitations without your knowing..."

"Gretchen! Martha's parents are going to be pissed!"

"Relax Cady, we can pick up everything later and make it look like nothing happened."

I nodded but I definitely wasn't sure of her plan.

8:30 pm
Damian drove me and Regina to Cady's get together party thing. The last time I went to something like this was in eighth grade.

I entered the party. Within seconds Damian vanished, Kurt and Ram had pulled him off. Best of luck to him.

Now it was me and Regina. I was a little nervous. Regina had a lot of friends. She was probably going to leave me alone. Some girls waved to Regina, she waved back but didn't leave. She continued to walk with me.

We got to the drinks and poured some stuff. Regina pulled out a little plastic bag and grabbed something from it then handed me one too.

"What's that?" I asked, taking it from her.

"It's a cup condom. You put it over your cup then stick a straw through it so your drink doesn't get spiked."


"Yeah, boys will do anything to get you high enough to bang them, you gotta be careful."

"Noted." We continue to talk when Cady came up to us.


"Jesus woman, don't yell!" Regina snapped.


"Ugh, well we haven't seen him."


I awkwardly looked at her. First she avoids me and now she wants to go and talk. Wow. I looked at Regina who seemed to be as confused as me.

"Whatever." I followed Cady outside.

"Janis I'm sorry I've been such a crappy friend and I've been avoiding you. I shouldn't have done that."

Cady was apologizing!? I thought about everything going on and what would cause her to do that. Then it hit me. I was friends with Regina and the Heathers now.

"Cady are you apologizing because you mean it..."


"... Or because now I'm friends with Regina you're jealous because I'm more popular than you now."

She looked down. "I knew it! You bitch! You are full of lies Cady Heron, all that matters to you is popularity and boys."


"You act like everyone likes you and you are some victim who's so nice and innocent. Well you aren't, see at least Regina and Chandler know they are mean, I know I'm mean too, but you Cady, you are worse than them and I'm done."

I left Cady alone in the darkness of the backyard.

10 pm
Heather Duke
The party had gotten louder and louder.  I was worried for a noise complaint. Damian has been kidnapped but Kurt and Ram. Lucky for him I found him before those boys did something bad. They were playing strip poker, Damian had been sitting awkwardly, clearly being forced into playing, I grabbed him and dragged him off before anyone could question.

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