Chapter 12~ Heather McNamara

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After school Damian and I decided to hang out. We had a lot in common, we both enjoyed music theatre and dancing and making fun of Kurt and Ram.

"Okay, so what do you say we go to the mall?" I asked.

"Yes! That sounds great!"

•time skip to mall cuz lazy author•

After a couple hours of looking around Damian and I make are way to the mall Starbucks to get some drinks.

"So in fourth period Mrs. Crawd bent over to pick up something someone threw and her pants split. Everyone started laughing and... Damian what's wrong." He was staring behind me with a look if worry and disgust on his face.

"Plastic alert."

I turned around and saw Cady, Gretchen and Karen in line to get drinks. I moaned.

"Want to head out?"

"Wait a minute, maybe we could... spy on them?"

"Define spy."

"We know Cady is going to try to get more popular than Regina, they are mortal enemies at this point. And then Chandler being the most popular, Cady would want to over through her too. Let's just wait and see if they say anything we could tell Regina and Chandler."

"Good point."

The plastics got their drinks and sat close enough for us to listen.

"What is the one way you get people to know you?" Gretchen asked.

"Well, getting your nudes leaked-"

"That does not involve child pornography Karen!"

"Throwing a party?" Cady asked with a sceptical look on her face.

"Yes! Valentine's day is coming up in what now, a week? So, Cady do you know if your hostest parents are going to be out of town by Friday?"

"Well, Martha's parents are on a business trip until Monday and she seems pretty gulible so I could easily convince her to let me throw a party."

Poor Martha, even though the girl wasn't that popular I still talked to her sometimes and she was quite sweet. She didn't deserve that at all.

I continued to listen.

"Great so you do that and then we can throw a Valentine's day party!"

"Damn harsh on Martha..." Damian muttered, I silently agreed. We ended up leaving.

"What do we tell Heather and Regina?" I asked Damian as we continued to wonder around the mall.

"I say we wait until the plastics announce the party to tell them what Cady said. If we tell them before Cady would have a better chance of getting away with denying it."

"True," To me it was kind sad, how we were all teens and we could be friends, but we choose to tear each other apart.

I feel bad for Martha who will get tricked into letting Cady through that party and I feel bad for what will happen to Cady when Heather finds out about what happens.

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