Chapter 22 ~ Heather Chandler

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It was Friday. End of the week, God this week has been utterly depressing. Today was Janis and Cady's last day. They had both admitted to the Burn Book and we're being sent back home. Regina came back on Wednesday. She remade up with Janis. There were a lot of tears between the two.

In the end, all of our friend groups had become one, in what I found the strangest way possible.

We sat at lunch, all chatting. It was all so depressing. We acted like it was any other lunch but it was our last lunch together since Cady and Janis were leaving tomorrow.

"God this sucks." Veronica said after some awkward silence.

"It does." Karen nodded.

"What matters is we make the most of this while we are together." Damian said.

"God that's cheesey." Duke laughed.

I would never say it but it hurt my heart to see Cady and Janis leave, though I hadn't known Cady well she seemed cool now and Janis was just amazing, I would miss her.

As the day went on, everything got more and more gloomy. It came closer to saying goodbye. And even after, they leave it's not over, Gretchen, Karen and Damian would have to say goodbye too.

It was the end of the school day. Janis was waiting outsider Veronica's car.

"Janis!" I caught her just in time.


I pulled the red scrunchie off my wrist. "Take it."

"What? This is your trade mark, like what people know you by."

"At westerburg, at North Shore this is going to be what they know you for."

Janis laughed. "Maybe." She took the scrunchie and tied up her dyed blonde tips.

"Don't tell anyone I said this, ever, but you were my favorite. I'll miss you."

Janis looked shocked, but smirked. "I'll miss you too Heather." We hugged before Veronica showed up to take Janis back to her home for the last time.

"Bye." She said.


They drove off. God, tomorrow would be a nightmare.

A/N: short chapter hehe, the next one will be the finale :D

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