Chapter 5~Cady

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Did I feel bad I made Regina upset enough to move? A little bit. I don't why I did but it bothered me. She had been gone for about a month now and I still couldn't get it out of my mind. I walked down the hall until I ran into someone, Aaron Samuels.

He had a flyer in his hand that caught my attention.

"Hi Aaron!" I said looking up at his adorable face.

"Hey Cady," He smiled.

"What's that flyer for?" I asked curiously, he handed it to me and I looked over it.

"Its for a student exchange program next month."

"Did you apply?"

"Yeah last month, I found this one and I was going to give it some of my friends to see if they were interested. But you keep it, you look interested," He smiled and waved, "See ya Cady."

"Bye," I looked back down at the flyer.

I found myself walking toward Ms. Norbury's room.

"Ms. Norbury?" I asked as I walked in.

"Yes? Oh hello Cady." She walked over to me, "Do you need something?"

"Uh yeah, I was wondering if I could sign up for this," I handed her the flyer.

"Of course!" She went and grabbed some papers, "Just fill these out and have your parents sign and return them to me, you will be good to go!"

I thanked her and walked out of the room running into none other than Karen.

"Hi Cady, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"Signing up for the student exchange program." I told her.

"Oh? That sounds cool- but that means you would be leaving us."

"Well.... Why don't you sign up too and come with me!" I wasn't going to go by myself, then I'd look like a was a loser, like Damian or Janis.

Karen smiled and agreed as she went to go find Gretchen.

As I walked down the hall I saw Janis. I looked down and made my hair cover my face so she wouldn't notice me. But she still did.

"Hi Cady!" She yelled waving at me. Karen turned around to see what had happened but I ushered her to keep moving. Once Karen was far enough I walked over to Janis. "Hi..."

"What's that?" She asked pointing to the papers in my hand.

"I'm applying for the student exchange program and these are for that."

"Really!? I am too..."

"That's nice well see you later."

"Uh bye..."

I walked away and found Karen. She was with Gretchen.

"AN EXCHANGE PROGRAM!?" Gretchen exclaimed when she saw me.

"Yeah, it will be fun."

"Hmmmm okay I guess. This school is getting boring anyway."

We laughed before going to sign Gretchen and Karen up for the exchange program. I was excited. Not only was I going to get to explore a new place I'd be with Aaron and my other friends, and I'd still be really popular.

Nothing could ever ruin how perfect this situation was.

Or so I thought....

The New Heather (Mean Girls x Heathers AU) ✓Where stories live. Discover now