Chapter 13~ Aaron

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Hehe bet you weren't expecting that one ;)


Westerberg High was like North shore, but in Ohio. All the same cliques and types of people, just in Ohio.

It was fourth period when the biggest plot twist in my life occoured. I was taking a French class, it was my last class of the day. The most shocking and confusing sight was in front of me when I arrived. First of all, Regina was there. I knew she had moved but I never expected Ohio. Next shocking thing, she was talking with Janis!? I had to look at Regina again just to make sure it was really her. Those two hated each other, I couldn't believe they were talking. And there was another brunette girl in blue talking with them as well.

I sat in the second row a few seats down from Regina and Janis. I tried to avoid looking at them but Janis caught my eye and waved. I waved back, to be polite. Then the blue girl looked up to see who Janis waves at and since both of them were looking up Regina looked up too.

Regina smiled and waved, but it wasn't an evil Regina smile it was a sincere I'm glad to see you smile. That was confusing.

Class went on. When the teacher called attendence I learned the blue girls name was Veronica Sawyer.

"Alright class, you can work with a partner for this activity." Everyone began to move around.

"Want to work together?" I looked up. It was Regina.

"Uh, sure?" She slid into the desk next to mine and we began to work.

" have things been with Cady?"

"Well, she's changed, she's just so plastic. I never thought that would happen to her, but here we are..."

"Oh... I kinda thought you guys were a couple or something, haha."

"To be honest, I did like her but she's just become different! I don't know how I feel about her anymore."

"Cady has the biggest crush on you. I can just tell she still does."


"Yeah, but it's not the same nerdy weirdo crush she had, it's more of the type of crushes I had on boys when I was a plastic."

"So just for kicks kinda thing."

"Exactly." The bell rung and everyone started to pack up.

"Well Aaron, good luck at Westerberg!" I watched Regina run to collect her things and run to catch up with Veronica and Janis.

I took her words about Cady to heart. Cady had definitely changed and how Regina mentioned it seemed just about right. It made me sad to think that the simple math loving girl I caught feelings for had now seemingly evaporated...


It's short but it lowkey took a long time cuz I didn't know how to portray Aaron lmao

Anywho this is the Aaron you get so deal with it

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