Working for the Future in the Interlake

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Kyle came with two coffees in hand and sat down at the patio table of the cafe. He hands the iced coffee to Serenity and she immediately starts sipping on it. "Thirsty ass," he jokes. "I've been depriving myself of this stuff. Let me do this". She makes a mock orgasmic sound as she stops sipping. "So when is Leah leaving?" he asks as he takes a sip of the hot coffee. "She said she wants to go late August, early September". Serenity took another sip of the coffee and pouted. "So are you going to live by yourself?".

"It's funny that you ask. When I told Aaron and my mom, they suggested that Gideon come stay with me". Kyle raises his eyebrows as he drinks more coffee. "That could be a good idea. You guys can bond and it gives him a sense of independence. It'll be a while before he's eligible for the draft, but he should get a taste of freedom beforehand. And that'll allow you to keep an eye on him". Serenity takes a sip of her coffee and nods slowly in agreement. "I don't think we have to worry about him though. He's a little awkward. I'm not even sure he's had a girlfriend". Kyle eyes her confusingly.

"I can tell what you're thinking by your face. It's like as pretty as my brother is, I'm sure there are girls that do like him, he just most likely doesn't know what to do". Serenity couldn't help herself but to laugh. "You can help him out even if he doesn't come and stay with you," Kyle suggests. "I guess I can," she groans.

"I nearly forgot to tell you. At work they're having this opportunity to go out to Los Angeles to work with a hospital our company just partnered up with". Kyle smiles widely. "That's great! When does it start?" he asks. "Early September, I think. The fifth or sixth is when it starts, I can't remember. But you go for a month and see all the new equipment that this hospital uses and how we can integrate it into what we already use. We're also going to learn some new techniques and go through training".

"So I should be expecting you on the fifth or sixth?" Kyle asks. "Oh no," Serenity hesitated. "You have to be chosen to go. It's not like a volunteer kind of thing. We won't find out who gets to go until two weeks before we're scheduled to leave". Kyle nods slowly and looks a little disappointed. "I'm hoping that I do get picked though because it would be nice to be able to see you all the time. The hospital is about three miles from your place so I could see you when I get off".

"If you get picked," he mumbled. "Yes. If I get picked". Noticing Kyle's shifting mood, Serenity realized she probably shouldn't have told him about the work opportunity. At least, not before it was announced who would be chosen to go. "You wanna get out of here?" she asks Kyle. "Yeah, we can head back". The two of them get up from the patio seating and get into Serenity's car. She pulls off and heads towards her apartment.

Leah Huston
Don't come home!!

"You got a message," Kyle said. "I'll just read it when I get home. No big deal". Kyle rubs Serenity's thigh as she drives. "I wish I could've come for longer. Two days is not even close to enough time to spend with you". Serenity turns onto the main street. "It's fine. It's not like this will be the only time you'll come out here". 

"That's the thing; I'm not sure when I'll be able to come back". Serenity frowned as she continued to drive. "I have contractual obligations I have to fulfill during this time and I'll be playing some games overseas. It's like I forgot about all that when we were making plans. Off-season is the time for me to do all of that and I'm not sure how I can make the time for you". What Leah had said earlier about long distance relationships was swirling through Serenity's head again. Was Kyle thinking of a way to let her know this wasn't going to work?

"Then we just have to make the most out of today and tomorrow". Kyle sat back in the seat and thought to himself. He knew that he liked Serenity and could see things going far between them, but getting through the off-season would be difficult. It's not like he would be busy the whole time, there would just be long stretches where they go without seeing each other. Serenity pulled onto the street that her building was on and began searching for a parking space. "You have parking in the back of your building. Why don't you just park back there?" Kyle asks.

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