Love Like A Sunset Part II

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Serenity and Kyle sat in the waiting room of the doctor's office as they awaited her name to be called. Kyle flipped through a magazine as Serenity scrolled through her emails. "See anything interesting?" she asked Kyle. "Nothing I haven't read before". He closes the magazine and sits it back on the end table. Serenity opened Instagram on her phone and scrolled through her feed. She stopped on a picture of Leah and her sons that was posted by a gossip page. Kyle looked over at her screen. "Are you ever going to call Leah?" he asked. "It's been six years since you guys have spoken". Serenity sighed and locked her phone.

"And that's her fault. I miss her, I really do, but there's no forgiving what she did".

A year after Kyle and Serenity had married, Leah let it slip that she attempted to sabotage her budding relationship with Kyle. Leah was jealous that Kyle had planned something so nice on her first fly-out. Leah had never before gotten that kind of treatment and she wondered what made Serenity deserve it. That was the dirt that Kyle had on Leah. Karl told him how deceitful of a person Leah could be and warned Kyle that if things went too well for Serenity, she would be the first to sabotage it. Instead of relaying this message to Serenity, Kyle waited to see how the situation would play out. People with such intense jealousy would weed themselves out eventually and he was right. Leah told on herself when she was drunk and her true persona had been revealed. A woman deeply jealous of her friend's accomplishments and happiness.

"But karma caught up with her. Karl left and now she's fighting him in court for child support," she said nonchalantly. Kyle rubbed her hand and nodded in agreement. "I only wanted the best for her and the whole time she was working against me". Serenity took a deep breath so the anger she felt wouldn't rise to the surface. "Jealousy brings out the worst in people," Kyle reasoned. A woman came from behind the door. "Serenity?" she smiled. Kyle stood up and Serenity attempted. "Let me help," Kyle said as he stood in front of her. He helped her out of the chair and she walked into the room where the doctor would be observe her.

The nurse took down all the information and she left the room. Kyle looked over at Serenity and smiled. "What are you cheesing for?" she asked him. "I'm just very excited". The doctor walked in the room and smiled at them. "Today will determine if this is your last check up. Let's take a look!". Dr. Pearson sat over by the ultrasound machine and got everything ready. Serenity pulled up her shirt to reveal a large pregnant belly. Dr. Pearson squirted the gel on her stomach and moved the instrument around. Kyle held Serenity's hand and looked at the ultrasound screen. "Everything is looking really good," Dr. Pearson said as she looked at the screen.

"I was concerned because your baby seemed to be a little large for where you were in terms of your pregnancy but everything seems to have sorted itself out. Baby looks perfect. Five more weeks and we'll be expecting the little one". Serenity let out a sigh of relief. If the baby had gotten too big, she would've had to undergo a c-section and that didn't align with her birth plan and the idea of a c-section terrified her. This news put her at ease. "Do we want to know whether it's a girl or boy? It's your last chance to find out before we're in the delivery room" Dr. Pearson asks. Kyle looked at Serenity before he said anything. 

"I don't want to know, but you can tell Kyle. He's been dying to find out". Dr. Pearson shielded her mouth from Serenity and mouthed the sex of the baby to Kyle. He just smiled and nodded to conceal his excitement. Dr. Pearson left the room and Kyle wiped Serenity's stomach clean of the remaining gel. She pulled her shirt down and he helped her down off the table. They walked to the parking garage and got into the car. "I want to tell you," Kyle said as he pulled out of the garage. "Please don't," Serenity chuckled as she shook her head. "This baby has been years in the making and you don't want to find out?" Kyle asked enthusiastically.

"Even if the pregnancy happened when we planned, I still wouldn't want to know. I love my baby already and I'm not placing an importance on that. The baby is healthy and that's all that matters". Kyle rubbed her leg as he continued driving to their house.

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