Don't Swallow the Cap

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Serenity put the pair of jeans on and looked at herself in the mirror. She opened the fitting room door and showed them to Leah. "They're cute. I think you should get them," she shrugs. Serenity walks back into the fitting room and takes off the jeans. She neatly folds them and puts the jeans next to her purse on the bench. She puts her shorts back on and walks out of the fitting room. "Ready?" Leah asks. "Yeah," Serenity says. They walk to the cash register and pay for the jeans and head to the Frontera Fresco that was located in the store.

Serenity orders tortilla soup with chicken and Leah gets roasted corn and poblano chowder. As they sat at the table and waited for their food to arrive, Leah to notice of how detached from the day Serenity seemed. "Is everything alright with you?" Leah asks in a concerned tone. "Yes and no. Kyle has been a little distant since the party". She picks at her freshly done fingernails as Leah tries to think of what could've went wrong. "What happened?" she asks after she could come up with nothing. "When we had sex the night of the party, I kind of wrapped my legs around him and he came in me. Now I didn't think much of it because I always do stuff like that with guys I'm dating, but I think it made Kyle uncomfortable".

Leah cackles causing a few patrons to look over at their table. "Bitch! He probably thinks you wanted him to get you pregnant". Serenity sat back and thought about it to herself. "I told him I was on birth control though," she says. "Any bitch can say she's on birth control. Doesn't mean she is". Serenity nods to herself slowly in agreement. "Only someone sneaky would do something like that. I would like to think that Kyle knows that's not what I was trying to do. It was just an 'in the moment' kind of thing". 

Leah smirked at Serenity, "Is it because you talked to Judah?" she asked. "What?" Serenity looked confused. "I saw you go out back with him. Do you think you did what you did because seeing Judah made you miss that old feeling?". Serenity fixed her mouth to say something but then stopped herself. "I think that's what it was and that's okay! We both know that condom sex isn't really your thing, but you do it because you can't fuck just anybody without one". The runner brings the food to the table and the girls thank him.

"So what do you suggest I do?" Serenity asked. "I would start by really getting in his head about how he feels and then apologize. I would avoid explaining why you did that though. He might not want to hear that". Serenity blew on the hot soup before she put a spoonful in her mouth. She couldn't help but think about that night. As much as she hated to admit it, Judah was the reason that she did that with Kyle. That conversation about their first time got her a little hot and bothered and she needed to let it out. She knew she no longer had feelings for Judah as they had been broken up for years now, but it was something about that conversation that just unleashed her inner freak.

"I can tell what you're thinking," Leah says as Serenity continued to eat her soup. "Just because Judah made you feel that way doesn't make you a bad person. You would be a bad person if you cheated on Kyle with Judah. But you took that sexual frustration and fucked the guy you were supposed to," she smiles. That wasn't what Serenity was thinking at all, but she just smiled and nodded at Leah. "I'll call him when I get home. Hopefully he's not busy and we can talk this through". The girls finished up their meals and walked back to Leah's car. "In light of what transpired, do you think it would be in your best interest to remain friends with Judah?" Leah asked. "I don't see a problem with it as long as our interactions are strictly friendly". Leah sighed.

As quiet as it's kept, Leah was not a big fan of Judah. She teased Serenity about possibly getting back together with him, but it was just a joke and they both knew it. Something about him just came off as disingenuous and Leah couldn't vibe with that. But she was cordial with him because that was Serenity's first everything and she just wanted to be there for her. "I just think it's weird that he's trying to weasel his way back into your life. But what do I know".

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