Wild Wild Woman

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There was only a week and a half left in the program. Serenity and Dani were doing spectacularly and Ahmed was extremely impressed with how dedicated they were to the program and how quickly they were picking up these new methods. The girls had bonded with Rabia, Ibrahim, and Ahmed and even a few of the patients they had worked with. They weren't looking forward to heading back to Sacred Heart.

"So have you and Craig ever fielded the possibility of kids? You guys have been married for a while," Serenity asked as she grabbed her purse from her locker. "We've talked about it. We go back and forth between wanting them and being totally afraid of having them. We both come from crazy ass families and we don't want to pass any of that dysfunction on. Plus, twins run in my family. My grandmother and her sister are twins, my uncles are twins, and Drew and Alexa are twins. I don't want to do that to my body!" Dani laughs.

"I mean, if two is all you want you have a higher chance of getting it done in one shot," Serenity scoffed as she closed the locker. "I do know one thing: I'm getting older and if we're going to have any, we need to get serious about it," Dani said. Ahmed walked into the locker room and smiled. "Great! You guys are still here. Come in my office before you go for a chat". He walked out and Dani closed her locker. "What do you think he could want? We've been doing really well," Dani wondered. Serenity shrugged. They walked over to Ahmed's office and sat down in front of his desk. Their employee files were on his desk and the girls immediately became nervous.

"I want to start by saying that having the two of you here has been great. You get along well with the staff and the patients seem fond of you as well, but I have to come clean". Their hearts started beating fast. "The way your supervisors and I advertised this position was a bit of a fable. If you two remember, there were a series of tests that you were given after the training opportunity was announced. Then there were the interviews you had with your supervisors as well. All of these things were recorded and sent to us. Through these various assessments we determined the two of you to be a good fit for what we wanted here at Manner-Meyer".

Serenity rubbed her sweating palms on her black skirt. Neither of them knew where this conversation was going. "Essentially what I'm saying is this was a trial run to see how you two adapted to how we do things here. I would like to offer the two of you permanent positions here at our rehabilitation clinic". Serenity's heart was beating out of her chest as the room began to spin for Dani. "I thought we were out here to learn new techniques to take back to Sacred Heart?" Dani asked. "Well that was the lie, and a good one if I must admit. When our hospitals did their partnership, the two of you stood out to our team and we had to have you! Your talents would be much more useful here than where you were".

The girls looked at each other and then back at Ahmed. "So then we won't be going back to teach our coworkers about the new equipment?" Serenity asked slowly. "'No, of course not. Your hospital is very outdated and most likely won't budget the money to receive the equipment we have out here". Dani took a deep gulp trying to assess the situation. "I have a husband and two siblings I take care of back home. They're seniors in high school, I-I can't uproot them like that," Dani barely got out.

Ahmed took a deep breath and nodded slowly. "I understand that. If you are unable to take the job, then we'll just extend the offer to Serenity only. If neither of you want it, then we'll just send you home, no harm done. It was experimental what we did and we accounted for just about every outcome. At least you'll get to say you had a month long vacation in Los Angeles and got paid for it," he laughed. "But I should mention, there's a significant pay raise if either of you decide to take the offer". 

"By how much?" Dani inquired. "We were going to offer Serenity around $89,000 and then for you Dani it would be about $94,000. That would be due to you having more work experience". Both of their eyes widen at what really was a significant jump in pay. "Are you fucking serious right now?" Dani blurted out. Serenity slapped her on the leg even though she was beyond shocked. "I am very fucking serious," Ahmed grinned. "I will let the two of you think about this. I would like an answer before you two are scheduled to return home".

They thank Ahmed and leave his office still in shock. The drive back to the house was silent as the two of them were processing what they had been offered. The girls walked into the house, still in shock. "I have to call Craig," Dani said as she walked into her room and closed the door behind her. Serenity knew she would be an idiot to pass on this opportunity. She would be making $5,000 extra dollars a year and would be close to Kyle. She knew she had to take this job! She called up her mom.

"Hello lovely! How's Los Angeles?" Kathy asked enthusiastically. "It's going well, I actually got some really good news today from my boss out here," Serenity said. "And what would the news be?". Serenity put the phone on speaker and sat it on her thigh. "Is there any chance that the rest of the family is around?" Serenity asked. She wasn't quite sure how her mom would react to the news, but she hoped she would be happy for her. "Well Gideon and Neri are here because they both decided they wanted to leave school early". Serenity looked over at the clock. It would be 3:15 where they were due to the time zones. "Can you put them on the phone? I want everyone to be here for the news".

She waited as until Kathy gave her the go ahead to announce it. "Well, I got offered a permanent position out here and I'm going to take it," she said. "Aye that's amazing!" Gideon said. "The apartment is mine now!". Kathy let out a mocking laugh and said, "No it's not". Serenity licked her lips as she waited for her mom to give her opinion. "Where will you stay?" she asked. "The hospital owns the house that I'm staying in now. I'm sure they won't kick us out if we accept the offer. But rentals pop up all the time out here so I'm sure I won't have a problem finding a place".

"What about your car?" Kathy asked. "I can have it shipped out here. It probably won't cost too much". Serenity tucked her hair behind her ear. "What about the apartment?" she asked. "Umm, I don't mind Gideon staying there permanently. That would be up to you and Aaron though. If that doesn't happen, then you guys can sell the furniture and Leah's uncle can rent the place out". Kathy sat in silence for a minute. "Will you be coming back to get your things?". Serenity nodded even though Kathy couldn't see that. "Yeah of course. I have a return flight in a week and a half and I'll be there probably for the weekend before I'm expected to go back. But nothing is official yet. I haven't accepted the offer. I wanted to see how you felt about it".

"Sweets, it doesn't matter how I feel about it. It's your life. I'm rooting for your success, you know that. If moving to California provides you with a better opportunity then I'm all for it. I only want the best for you". Serenity smiled and wiped the tear that fell from her eye. "Aaron is going to go berserk over this news," Kathy chuckles. "I'll be looking forward to your return. I love you sweet girl". Serenity sniffled. "I love you too mom".

They ended the call and Serenity sat in the living room feeling empowered. She didn't know why, but she was feeling so confident in herself. She grabbed the spare keys to Kyle's condo that he had given her the morning after the surprise dinner and ordered an Uber. She wrote a note on the white board that she and Dani had gotten at Target two weeks earlier.

Going to Kyle's. Will be back later

She got in the Uber and had a confident smirk on her face the whole ride over. She let herself into Kyle's building and then his condo. "Oh hey, I didn't know you were coming over," he said as he walked out of the kitchen. Serenity walked up to him and planted her lips on his. She pulled away and the both of them were breathing deeply. "I love you," she smirked. Kyle smiled widely at her and kissed her again. He picked her up and sat her on the kitchen counter. Serenity pulled at Kyle's basketball shorts as he pulled her skirt up and panties to the side.

He entered her and she gasped loudly. He pulled her closer and she draped her arms over his shoulders. He breathed deeply on her neck as she moaned in his ear. Her long nails dug into his shirt. He continued to pump in her, their lips meeting. They kissed deeply as Kyle quickly finished inside her. She hopped off the kitchen counter and slid her panties up. She pulled her skirt down and smiled at him. She kissed him again and said, "I have amazing news".

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