Everybody Wants to Love You

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Serenity grabbed the family pass off the counter and headed down the hallway to the elevator. As she stepped in, she pressed the button that would take her down to the parking garage. She got into her car and connected the Bluetooth. She drove out of the garage and onto the main street. The phone rang and without checking who was calling, she answered. "Hello?" she said as she drove towards the arena. "Got a minute to talk?". She recognized the voice as Gideon's. "I always have time for my favorite brother," she sings. "I'm your only brother," he chuckles. "We don't know that for sure. There's no telling what my dad is up to," she jokes.

"But I called because it's crunch time and I didn't receive the letter from Clemson". Serenity's heart just broke for Gideon. Ever since he was 11, he would always tell people that he would play college football for Clemson. "Oh Gideon, I'm so sorry. I know how much you wanted it". He took a deep breath. "It just sucks," he says. "My dear I know, but now you have to go with what you have been offered and show them just what they missed out on". 

"You know me, I use setbacks as fuel. It does suck, but I've gotten scholarships from other schools. I've been doing some thinking and since I won't be going to South Carolina, I can stay close to home. I got a full ride from Northwestern so that's where I'm going to go". Serenity smiled as she listened to her brother speak. "You're just doing that so you can stay in the apartment," she claimed. "I do like having my own place," he laughed. "That you don't pay for," Serenity pointed out. "I always thank you for paying the rent and utilities here," Gideon says. "I think the first year I'll have to stay in the dorms but after that I'll be here full-time again".

"Don't take it all for yourself. Maybe Neri wants a chance to live there," she laughs. "Over my dead body. This place is too nice to give up. I get compliments on it all the time". Serenity raises her eyebrow. "All the time huh? Who do you have running in and out of my apartment?" she asks. "Aside from Nessa, just some guys from the football team". Serenity grinned at the mention of Nessa's name. "How are things with you and Nessa?" she asks. "We're just friends if that's what you're asking. She stays over sometimes though".

"And where does she sleep when she stays over?" Serenity asks. "In the guest room," he replies. "But that's your room," she says. "I know. I let her sleep in the guest room and I sleep in your room". She purses her lips but let's it slide because she does want the two of them to become a couple. If that's what it takes, then so be it. "Just promise me if you guys start having sex, please use condoms and have her get on birth control". 

"Fucking stop that!" Gideon yells. Serenity cackles as she pulls into the parking lot of the Staples Center. "Oh gosh. I couldn't help myself. I'm sorry," she said as she let out a few more chuckles. "But I'm serious. Not to be like TMI or anything, but that's how I started out. I was at Judah's house while his parents were gone and it just happened. I'm just asking that you be safe about it". Gideon fake gagged as she parked her car. "I'm not going to tell you what I inferred from what you just said because I think you just unintentionally told me something very intimate. But if it does happen I'll make sure to be strapped up". The two of them laugh. "Sometimes I think we're too close," Gideon says. "There's no such thing as too close little brother".

When they ended the call, Serenity grabbed her purse and got out of the car. She went through the players entrance. By this time, the press had gravitated from here and onto the court so she was in the clear. Even though Kyle had gone public with their relationship, she still wanted to maintain a bit of privacy. It was hard though because she had gotten a little over 1,700 more followers to her Instagram page who felt the need to interact with her. She had debated whether or not she should make her page private but decided against it.

She made her way from the tunnels onto the court where she waved for Kyle to see her. He was preparing to do a before game interview so he couldn't come over to talk. She went up to her seat and sat patiently. She watched as other players were stretched out by trainers and preparing their shots for the game. The only other people that were there were other family members of players, press, and a few scattered fans. A woman walked up to Serenity and asked, "You're the guest of Kyle Kuzma?". Serenity nodded. "Great! I'm a representative for the team and it's my job to make sure that you're taken care of during the game. If you need any drink or food orders, my seat is right there". She points at a seat in the row directly in front of Serenity's. 

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