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Two years later...

Harry is finally coming back from his world tour, I haven't seen him for 8 months, and I missed him so much.

"Annabella, daddy is coming are you excited," I asked her, as she smiled standing on her tiptoes waiting for her dad.

"Da-da, da-da," she pointed to the tall figure that was approaching us.

Before I could say anything Annabella was running to her father, which noticed her and spread his long arms widely waiting for her to occupy it.

As for me I ran as fast as possible to throw myself into his embrace which I missed so much.

"My two beautiful girls," he said as he hugged us both tightly.

"Hey baby,"I whispered in his ears.

"Hey baby," he said looking at me.

"Da-da," Annabella said and we both looked at her.

"Hey baby, did you miss dad," he questioned her.

She shook her head as she lied her head between his neck and shoulder and fall asleep.

"Hey, baby I missed you so much," he said as he kissed me and hugged me.

I did the same, as we made our way out of the airport. We arrived home and settled Annabella into her bed, as me and Harry went to our bedroom.

He started to kiss me passionately, and so did I, but we stopped, and we talked about what happened in the 8 months that we were apart.

We lied in bed facing the ceiling and just saying random stories about what happened.

All the sudden the chatting stopped and my head rested on his bare chest and without a second thought we both fall asleep, knowing that we will always have each other, knowing that our love is so strong, that everything we went to and we are both in one piece, knowing whatever happens he will always look at me, the way I look at him, with love.

Knowing that no matter what happens, he will be the one that lies in my heart, inside a cage that is locked.

There are no lovers like us, we just know that whatever happens I will be him and he will be me.

We are two souls that become into one...

AND FINALLY NAKED IS OFFICIALLY DONE. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK, plzz I know the ending is horrible, but I did it on short notice so plzz tell me what you think and also plz check out my new two stories you will love them thanks :)

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