Unknown number

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December 18th

It had been just over 3 1/2 weeks since I'd spoken to Billies mom on the phone. Not a lot has happened since then.. I've just been keeping myself busy with work. oh and I got my stitches out early since I'd healed relatively quickly. What was once a deep cut shooting from my temple through my hair was now a thick pink scar that I actually didn't hate all that much.
Somehow it complimented my other scar. Definitely looked badass and I liked that this one had a happier story behind it.

I had no way of contacting Billie throughout the weeks since she didn't leave me her number or anything which totally sucked so maybe all the flirting and whatnot really was all in my head? This is so confusing.. tonight would be the night that I'd see her again though. I was definitely nervous but excited at the thought of that.
Maggie and I had agreed to keep it a surprise that I'd be her new body guard and would also be making an appearance at her birthday tonight and I was also allowed to bring a friend so Brooke would be coming too.
I'd broke the news to Phil about going on tour with the O'Connells which he was thrilled for me but I knew he was sad about me leaving for two months. He wasn't the best at hiding it as he'd been pouting around the club for weeks. I can't really blame the guy... he's been family since I was 17 years old.

I sat on one of the stools at the kitchen counter eating some toast and lazily scrolling through videos on Facebook. I wasn't super great with the whole social media thing and my Instagram account hadn't been touched for over a year. I liked to be present wherever I went rather than relying on my phone to keep me entertained.

"Woah buddy, you're gonna brush that mess before tonight right?" Brooke said as she walked into the kitchen pointing at my tangled bed hair.
"Mhuh?" I mumbled, my mouth full of toast
"Have you decided on what you're going to wear tonight? You gotta look hot for Billie" she wiggled her eyebrows at me as she leaned on the other side of the countertop across from me .
I looked down at the stretched old shirt I was wearing and shrugged.
"Yeaahhhhh that's definitely not happening missy" she rolled her eyes and turned toward the fridge
"Um Tay... what's this" she said pulling a little piece of paper off the fridge
"Huh? Probably an old receipt from something I guess? I dunno? Lemme see" I stood up from my stool and took the paper from her hands
It was a phone number and a name written written neatly on the small piece of paper.

*******821 - Bil xxx

"Holyyyyyy fucking shot brooo! She left you her number!" Brooke gasped loudly "dude that was weeks ago! Do you think she's mad you didn't text her?"
"Fuck I didn't even see that there! Why would she leave me her number?" I just stood there staring at the piece of paper that was now shaking in my hands.
"Uh cause she likes you? Duh!" Brooke rolled her eyes again tossing a grape into her mouth.
"What do I do? Should I text her? She's probably mad that I haven't contacted her..... I didn't know if I should..." I trailed off still staring at the paper
"Well you're going to see her tonight girl! But you should defs text her! Also, get your butt dressed woman! And don't you even think about wearing THAT " Brooke exclaimed as she waved her hand all sassy at my raggy clothes.
"Hmm? Right. Yes.Okay.. um im gonna go get ready" my mind wandered as I walked to my room without even looking up, my gaze still fixated on the paper.
I heard Brooke squeal in excitement behind me as she ran to her room to get ready too.

Billies POV

Its been nearly 4 weeks and no contact from Taylor. Had she lost interest? Maybe i freaked her out. Fuck I'm so confused man
I'd managed to find her Instagram but there was only a handful of photos and it looked like the account hadn't been active in over a year.
I clicked on an old photo of her and Brooke from 2 years ago


liked by brookiebaby95 and others Xxtay_marshallxx family always 💕

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liked by brookiebaby95 and others
Xxtay_marshallxx family always 💕

sofie<3 cuties 💋
brookiebaby95 we're hot 😏

I sighed and scrolled to the next photo


 liked by brookiebaby95 and others Xxtay_marshallxx fuck I love food

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liked by brookiebaby95 and others
Xxtay_marshallxx fuck I love food

brookiebaby95 bitch where's mine? Ruuuude 😘

Frustrated, I clicked my phone off and threw it at the pillow on my bed. Maybe something happened to the paper I left on the fridge? I followed her Instagram account hoping she'd see but I guess she doesn't really ever use it.
Fuck dude why can't I stop thinking bout this girl? She's got me all fucked up

Suddenly Finneas walks into my room with a bag of Takis. Fuck yeah my favourite!
"Anything?" He questioned as he flopped himself on the bed beside me and handing me the bag.
"Nah bro.... I don't get it?" I muffled, my mouth already filled with a handful of the spicy chips.
"Maybe she just hasn't seen it? Who knows" he said shrugging his shoulders. He was always such a positive guy.
"Maybe I scared her off fin... or maybe she doesn't remember. She did have a concussion that night. Damn that su-" the sound of my phone vibrating on the pillow cut me off.
I picked it up without hesitation
1 text from an unknown number
"Who is it" he questioned sitting up from the bed
"Yo hold up" I stopped him holding my finger up

You really should've put your number in a more obvious spot haha
I only just found it. Well, Brooke found it actually

"Fin it's her!" I squealed.
"Did you just squeal?" He laughed staring at me with a what the fuck look on his face "shit you must like this girl"
"Bro shudufukupp!" I slapped him hard on the shoulder "aight you can get out now" I said pushing him off the bed and chuckling as he hit the ground with a thud.
"Sheeesh someone is a little defensive! Aight I'll leave you be but tell me what happens later okay?" He laughed getting up from the floor and brushing himself off
"Yeah yeah yeah later!" I flopped onto my back and began typing into my phone.
My phone buzzed again. Another message from 'unknown'

It's Taylor by the way ☺️


Sorry this chapter to me a little longer to publish! My work schedule is crazzyyyy.
Shits starting to happen now so thanks for everyone who have kept up with the story!
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