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Taylor's POV

The past week of the tour was crazy busy and I hardly got to spend any time with Billie except for when we were on the bus driving between cities and at night when we'd go to bed. We were only a little over a week into the tour and she was already exhausted. So far we'd been to San Diego, Phoenix, Vegas, Salt Lake City, Denver, Atlanta just to name a few
The bus was currently headed to Tampa, Florida where Billie had a show in 3 days which meant we would finally get some alone time since we would be staying in a hotel instead of being crammed in the Bus.
She lay soundly asleep on my chest as I held her in my arms. I checked my Nixon on my wrist, a recent gift from Billie. It was 2am. I sighed heavily and began to play with the loose strands of billies hair. She stirred slightly under my touch, her hand tracing up my torso before resting on my neck as she sighed in her sleep.
"Tay" she mumbled in her sleep
She's never done that before, unless she'd slept talked while I was asleep and never conscious enough to witness it.
"Taylor" she mumbled again, her voice croaky as she lay unmoved on my chest. I wondered what she was dreaming about
"I'm here right here beautiful" I whispered as I kissed her forehead. I knew she was asleep and wouldn't have heard me but it was instinct I guess
"Mmmm" she sighed contently into my neck.
Ugh this girl kills me sometimes
I closed my eyes as the tiredness began to wash over me
The bus finally arrived at our hotel in Tampa Bay. We had all gathered in the hotel lobby as Maggie was organizing our rooms and keys.
Brooke and Finn would share their own room, as would Billie and I. I was starting to get the feeling that maybe Maggie knew about us since everything about this trip seemed to falling into place way too perfectly. Maybe it was time I talked to her about it and made my intentions clear that I still cared for Billies bell being on a professional level as well as emotionally.
After getting our keys we took the elevator up to the 29th floor where our room was. Brooke and Fins room was just down the hall from us.
I carried our bags into the room and placed them neatly by the large, white bed that looked out through large glass windows onto the coast line. The room also had a large balcony with a hot tub. That might come in handy later.

I watched as Billie walked out onto the balcony and leaned against the railing, admiring the view.
Silently, I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind and began placing little soft kisses on her cheek and neck, causing Billie to giggle and sigh contently as she reached her arm behind so that she could cup my cheek with her hand.We had both been absolutely dying for some alone time together so this was definitely well overdue.
"There's a hot tub" her voice was mellow and husky
"Mmmhmmm" I was still peppering her with kisses
"Later tonight?" She hummed
"Deal" I pecked her cheek and smiled as I held her against me
"One of the backstage guys said we could borrow his car while we're here so do you wanna go get some food and check out the town?" She said as she turned herself to face me, placing her hands on the back of my neck.
"Sounds perfect. Just give me a sec to change my clothes and then we can go" I said as I kissed her nose and headed back inside
"Only if you'll let me watch" she giggled as she trailed behind me
Billies POV

Taylor drove as I sat in the passenger seat taking photos of anything I thought looked cool or pretty. This wasn't the first time being in Florida and I always loved it here but being here with Taylor just made it so much sweeter. I plugged my phone in and put on some music.
"Yo I just realized I've never actually asked you what kind of music you listen to" I laughed as Taylor side eyed me and smiled instead of answering me. I raised my eyebrows at her with a questioning look on my face.
"I don't think you'll like my taste in music babe" she chuckled
"Aw cmon! I wanna know what you like listening to. What's your favourite song then?" I pressed at her
"Well... I like a lot of different kinds of music. I like so much of your music and I'm not just saying that because you're my girlfriend though. But I never stick to one genre. I listen to a variety of stuff" she answered, her eyes glued to the road
"Okay so if I was to give you a choice to put on a song right now, and it can't be one of mine, what would it be" I had my phone ready to type in the name of the song
Her eyebrows furrowed and her lips pursed together as she thought deeply to herself.
"Hmmmm.... Drown by Bring me the horizon" she nodded her head with a cheeky grin as she spoke
"Oooh aight! So you're an alt girl huh? That's dope"
"I guess yeah. Punk, alternative, punk rock... metal here and there. Also love a bit of rap and EDM. You name it, I listen to pretty much anything" She shrugged
I punched in the song and a wide grin began to spread on her face as the music played.
She looked so fucking hot as she drove, the wind blowing through her long blonde hair and the sun in her skin.
I pulled up my Instagram and quickly took a photo of her without her noticing and posted it on my story

 I pulled up my Instagram and quickly took a photo of her without her noticing and posted it on my story

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I had a feeling I'd get in shit for doing this but man who the fuck cares. I'm happy.
I definitely wasn't out yet or anything and I doubt my manager would let me even do that but fuck I'm tired of hiding. Taylor was more than worth it and I know this shit is for real.

Sorry this chapter took literally hours for me to publish! Work has been really busy yesterday and today and I kinda got a little stuck on this chapter too. I have so much planned for this story but this chapter I was trying to figure out how to get the story to keep going in the direction I wanted it 😅
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