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Taylor's POV

I stood in between centre stage and the steel barricade. I realized this would be my first time ever seeing Billie perform. I hated that I would have to have my back turned to her and face the crowd for most of the performance since I would be the only thing standing in the way of Billies fans from jumping up on the stage and attacking her, but there was a large screen that angled from the side of the stage that I was able to see which would be screening the performance in close up.
The performance arena was busting with thousands of screaming fans as they awaited for Billie to appear on the stage.
Suddenly the lights went black and eerie background music began to play. People were screaming and whistling as the large screen at the back of the stage began to light up with eerie flashing visuals of spiders and creepy characters.
I watched on the monitor as Finneas and the drummer emerged left and and right of the stage, both wearing white, and took their positions behind their instruments.
The crowd absolutely erupted as Billie walked out onto centre stage holding a microphone with her signature 'resting bitch face' stare.
She looked absolutely incredible up there as the beat came in and she began to jump and dance to the music.

White shirt now red, my bloody nose
Sleeping, you're on your tippy toes
Creeping around like no one knows
Think you're so criminal

She looked so alive as she danced wildly around the stage. The crowd was going absolutely wild!

So you're a tough guy
Like it really rough guy
Just can't get enough guy
Chest always so puffed guy
I'm that bad type
Make your mama sad type
Make your girlfriend mad tight
Might seduce your dad type
I'm the bad guy, duh

I spotted Brooke in the VIP section that was closest to me. She was jumping and singing along to all the lyrics. I smiled at her wildly before settling my face back into my serious, professional expression. I couldn't help but smirk slightly as I watched Billie let loose on the stage

I like when you get mad
I guess I'm pretty glad that you're alone
You said she's scared of me?

I watched on the screen as Billie moved herself seductively towards me on the stage. I could hear her footsteps on the stage behind me and I could tell she was extremely close, maybe even standing right behind me

As she sung the next line I felt her palm press into my chest and my eyes flashed immediately up to the monitor. "I mean, I don't see what she sees, But maybe it's 'cause I'm wearing your cologne"
I watched as she squat deep behind me and let her hand trace down my chest as she sung the line, her lips brushing my ear softly sending chills up my spine. Luckily I was good at keeping myself composed but fuck that was hot.
The crowd went absolutely crazy at this as she finished the last few lines, imitating grinding her body against my back with her hand gripping hard over my shoulder muscle.
The lights went black when the song ended and the crowd erupted into an overwhelming applause again.
I felt her kiss me sweetly on the cheek in the dark while she had a quick second in between sets
The lights came on again as she was now back at the centre of the stage
She sang All the Good girls go to Hell next which the crowd really got into. The visuals on the main screen were absolutely breathtaking. I really loved that about Billie how she was so particular about her visuals and creating a whole new experience for her fans.
She then went into singing When the party's over, ocean eyes and my favourite of all of her songs Six feet under. I'd taught myself to play it on the guitar and i often listened to it when I needed to relax. I'd never told Billie that though.
I'd listened to most of her songs before I'd even met her but the atmosphere when you were hearing them live was just unreal. She'd sing at least 10 of her songs in total now and I couldn't believe how she was still jumping and dancing around like an absolute maniac on stage. Poor baby will be exhausted after her this.
She finished the show with Bellyache as the lights went black a final time.
"Thankyou so much San Diego! I love you!!!" Billie voice called out as her fans erupted into applause for the last time.
As people began to leave the arena I made my way back stage to find Billie
Brooke was congratulating Finneas as they hugged and kissed back stage.
"Yo fun where's Bil?" I called out to him
"She's in her Green room!" He called back to me grinning wildly. I could see little dewy beads of sweat glistening on his forehead as he held Brooke in his arms

I made my way to Billies green room quickly. I wish she'd waited so I could've escorted her safely since it was my job to do so. I felt the anxiety kick in as my mind trailed off to all the possible things that could happen to her if any of her fans had managed to make it back here.
I burst into the green room, scanning the space for Billie. She was sitting on a sofa against the wall sipping from a bottle of water. She stood up and closed the space between us
"Jesus Billie you need to be more careful and wait for me to escort you next time. If anyone got back here-" she cut me off as she connected our lips, cupping my jaw with her hand and jumped up into my arms as she wrapped her legs around my waist.
I lost my train of thought as I was taken over by the kiss. Her lips were hot and wet as her tongue demanded entrance
I separated our mouths "Billie seriously if something ever happened I'd never forgive myself"
"Shh" She hushed me, pulling me back in as she connected our lips again
"But Bil-"
"Shut up and kiss me" she laughed as she mashed our lips together. I gave into her and kissed her passionately as her hands explored my body.
As the kiss slowed, I placed her down on her feet gently, still keeping my hands firmly in place on her hips as she kept her arms locked around my neck.
"Did I mention you were amazing up there" I hummed in a low voice
"Thankyou Baby" she smiled, pressing her forehead to mine
"I wish you had warned me about your little stunt you pulled when you sang Bad Guy though! Do you know how hard it was to keep a straight face and not flip you onto your back and rip your clothes off right there on the stage?" I chuckled loudly
"Meh, maybe I was shooting for that" she added sarcastically, shrugging her shoulders casually before letting out a loud chuckle
"I wanted to ask you something" her tone was serious now as she locked her eyes with mine
"Oh?" My eyebrows furrowed
"Yeah um... I was wondering if maybe... maybe you wanted to be my girlfriend?" She looked down at her feet, our bodies still holding each other.
I made a pretend face like I was thinking about my answer, earning myself a slap on the shoulder. We both laughed
I connected our eyes, smiling sweetly
"I thought you'd never ask. Yes Billie, I'd love to be your girlfriend" I answered, placing tender kiss on her lips.
Fuck it's been a loooooong day hahah sorry my updates have been slow today! I've been trying to write whenever I get a chance :)
How is everyone feeling about the story so far? ❤️

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