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Taylor's POV

"Baby, I've gotta go to work. I promised Phil I'd help out tonight" I sighed as I attempted to pry the smaller girl off of me
"Can't you just call in sick?" Billie whined, still sticking to me like glue as I feebly dragged myself off of the bed and grabbed my security uniform from the dresser.
"I'll only be gone a few hours love. You can hang out here and look through all my stuff if you want?" I chuckled, knowing Billie would surely get a kick out of that.
"Oh baby I was going to do that anyway" she rolled her eyes as she laid on her stomach and propped herself up on her elbows
As I finished putting on my uniform I pulled out my phone and took a quick snap of Billie looking all cute on the bed
"Ay Yo I better look good in that if you're gonna post it!" She huffed as she lunged at me from the bed, almost knocking my phone out of my hand
"Are you kidding? You always look good" I rolled my eyes as I tucked my phone away into my pocket.
Billie then snaked her arms around the collar of my shirt and pressed her body against mine.
"Have I ever told you how sexy you look in that uniform" she hummed low, as her gaze locked with mine. I felt her fingertips tracing light circles on the back of my neck sending shivers down my spine
"Your face gave that away the first day we met baby girl" I winked as my hands fell to her hips.
She pulled me in slowly, brushing her lips against mine but never fully making contact.
"Are you sure you wanna go to work" she whispered low and sultry, her hot breath tickling the edges of my lips
"Mmmmhmmm" I smirked
She closed the distance and pressed her lips against mine, kissing me slowly and dragging out each kiss as her tongue traced my lower lip.
"How about now" she hummed, her voice even deeper than before.
I nervously cleared my throat but stayed silent as I fought the growing tension that urged me to give her what she wanted. I knew she was going to make this agonizing for me... but I promised Phil I'd be there.
"I bet you're already wet for me" she whispered against my ear, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. My god she wasn't making this easy
She pulled me in again, connecting our lips as she pushed me back until I felt the hard surface of my dresser push up against my back.
Her hand snaked down my collar and slowly started to unbutton my shirt
"Babe" my voice croaked
"Mmhmm?" She mumbled, her voice sounding far too innocent.
"I-I have to go t-to work" I said again, although I hardly believed myself anymore. She practically had me in the palm of her hand and she knew it
"That's a shame" she sighed teasingly as she leaned in again, attaching her lips to my throat
"B-babe..." my voice croaked again as I attempted to ground myself. Why the fuck was I going to work again?
Billie pulled away flashing a devilish smile as her eyes locked with mine again.
"You're the worst" I sighed
"But you love it" she grinned, pecking my nose "now go do sexy security stuff. But like...not too sexy cause I don't want dumb bitches checking my baby girl out"
"Have fun going through all my shit and eating all the snacks in the house" I rolled my eyes as I buttoned up my shirt and grabbed my backpack
"Oh I will boo" she winked and stuck her tongue out like she always did
"There's takis in the pantry by the way" I chuckled, kissing her on the lips one last time before making my way out the bedroom door
"Fuck yes! I love you! Be safe!" Billie shouted as she ran out of the room and headed straight for the kitchen, sending me a little air kiss as she rushed past me
"I love you too baby" I giggled as I made my way out the front door
Billies POV

I sat alone in Taylor's bedroom looking through old photo albums of Taylor that I'd found hidden deep in her closet. I'd already taken about a million photos on my phone of all the cute ones that I'd found, especially the ones of Taylor as a toddler with missing teeth.
Music filled the room from Taylor's Bluetooth speaker that I'd connected my phone to as I flipped through the album pages and snacked on a bag of Taki's.
It didn't take me long to stumble upon a lot of Taylor's awkward teen year photos. Oh my gooood she looked so cute with braces!
An instagram notification suddenly flashed across my phone screen. I opened the app and scrolled to Taylors post


How the fuck are you mine 🍀💞liked by bilsbaby and 2694 others  bilsbaby you're the security guard she kissed at her show!😵#couplegoalsBilssluttt yeah

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How the fuck are you mine 🍀💞
liked by bilsbaby and 2694 others

bilsbaby you're the security guard she kissed at her show!😵#couplegoals
Bilssluttt the fuck is she yours 🙄

I liked the post before leaving a comment and then continued snapping photos from the album when Taylor's bedroom door suddenly opened.
"Yo Tay what are doing hom-oh hey Bil! Sorry I thought you were T" Brooke smiles sweetly as she leaned awkwardly on the door frame
"Hey Brooke! Yeah Tays at work but she said I could hang out here until she gets home. I hope that's okay with you. Is the music too loud? I can turn it down if it's bothering you" I babbled awkwardly
"No leave it, it's nice. And dude your Taylor's girlfriend... this is practically your house now too" she chuckled "do you mind if I hang with you for a bit? Fins working on some of his own music stuff tonight so I figured I'd give him some breathing space but now I'm bored as fuck"
"Oh not at all. I'm just looking through some of Tays old photo albums. She was the cutest kid" I giggled as I popped a taki into my mouth
"Duuude I haven't seen these photos in forever!" Brooke squealed as she jumped up from the bed to join me on the bedroom floor. She reached for one of the albums I hadn't looked at yet and flicked through the pages.
"Look at those fangs!" She giggled as she pointed at a photo of a crooked toothed preteen Taylor "as soon as she got those braces off the girls in high school practically drooled over her. She never paid much attention to any of them though. She was always more focused on school."
I smiled and shook my head at the thought of all the girls that must've thrown themselves at her.
"So you guys have known each other a long time then?" I added casually
"Since middle school I guess. It's funny because we totally hated each other at first but we ended up being best friends when high school started. She went through some pretty rough shit with coming out and all that. I remember the night she showed up on my door step because her mom had kicked her out of the house" Brooke rambled as she continued flipping through the pages.
"I can't believe it's been almost 5 years since she lost ghost" Brooke said quietly as she stopped on a page with a picture of Taylor and Ghost.
The photo of Taylor kneeling in desert sand with ghost was slightly torn and weathered and had been taped into the book.
"On her birthday right?" I said quietly
"Yeah. How'd you know that?" Brooke replied
"Well I sorta just worked it out and pieced it all together from what she's told me. Taylor talks about it sometimes but not often...and I know it's her birthday next week but she's never even once brought it up. I sort of had a birthday plan in mind but I kinda wanted to talk to you about it first since you're the best friend and all" I said as I closed the photo albums and placed them in a neat pile on the floor
"She never really does anything for her birthday but maybe this year we should!" Brooke raised her eyebrow
"It should be tasteful though. And there has to be food" I nodded thoughtfully
"Dude she'd fucking have a fit if there was no food" brooke chuckled "but hey, while we plan all of that you should go on Taylor's laptop. She's got so many embarrassing videos and photos on there that we could use for like.. a  birthday compilation video that we could make for her. It'll be epic" Brooke grinned deviously as she grabbed Taylor's laptop from a drawer and handed it to me
"Yo, you sure she won't be pissed?" I said hesitantly as I opened her laptop
"She doesn't even put a passcode on her laptop dude... she's practically handing those photos and videos to us on a silver platter" Brooke grinned

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