bitches, Im in heaven

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Billies POV

I listened to the sound of the waves crashing against the shoreline as we lay on our lawn chairs in the beach. Taylor lay beside me playing with some shells she had found in the sand. I pulled out my phone and brought up the camera
"Smile beautiful" I grinned as I watched Taylor look up at me through the screen of my phone and flash me her classic perfect smile.
I knew I needed to cool it with the Instagram story stuff since last time it made my phone blow up with questions from my fans asking who Taylor was, but honestly I loved showing her off, and I loved that she was a little piece of my life that nobody could touch. She was all mine. I smiled at the photo I had just taken and posted it to my story.

"My Baby is fuckin fiiiine" I nodded my head and whistled at Taylor She chuckled and threw a little shell at me which slipped straight into my bikini and into my cleavage"Yo not cool!" I squealed, squeezing my hand in between my cleavage and pinch...

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"My Baby is fuckin fiiiine" I nodded my head and whistled at Taylor
She chuckled and threw a little shell at me which slipped straight into my bikini and into my cleavage
"Yo not cool!" I squealed, squeezing my hand in between my cleavage and pinching the little shell with my fingers and pulled it out. I flicked it back at her which she dodged expertly, laughing as she lay back down into her chair
"I could've got that out for you" she chuckled, wiggling her eyebrows at me
"Oh my gosh Taylor Marshall are you gay??" I made a dramatic fake shocked face at her
She rolled her eyes at me smiling wide as she lay back into her chair and watched the waves hit the sand
It was quiet for a while as we both soaked in the sun before I finally spoke again
"When did you know you were gay?" I said softly, my tone serious now
"Hmm? Oh- um.... I think I always kind of knew I guess.... like, even when I was a little kid I knew I was different" she spoke softly but with sureness in her voice as she watched the waves
I rolled onto my side so that I could look at her face as she spoke.
"It was a part of me that I didn't understand for a while. I remember when I hit my first year of high school and all my friends were starting to get boyfriends and I didn't understand why I just wasn't interested in guys in that way" she went on "I had one boyfriend in my junior year, his name was Will. I didn't even let the poor guy hold my hand. I wasn't even into him... it was really just one of those situations where he said he liked me and I was just kinda like 'I think I'm supposed to like him back' so I just kinda went along with it and it didn't last a week" she chuckled at the last part.
"So you've never slept with a guy before?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at her
"Nope. Never. I've kissed guys... but I could never get to the physical stuff. It repulsed me to be perfectly honest. I always knew deep down that there was a reason why, I just needed to accept it for myself and once I did that I'd be okay" she said matter of fact and shrugging her shoulders
"So, how did your parents take it? When you came out I mean?" I watched her face turn flat and cold as I spoke
"I was young when I came out to my parents. I must've been almost 16 years old. When I told my Dad he said that he always knew, he was just waiting for me to tell him and he loved me just the same. He was so supportive, he still is. My Mom... well her reaction was......interesting.... and unexpected. My whole life she'd told me she loved me no matter what, but when I came out to her I saw a side of her I didn't even know existed. She kicked me out of the house, and when my Dad forced her to take me back in she wouldn't speak to me. Any time I walked in the same room as her she would leave. She talks to me now, but it's still not the greatest relationship. She doesn't want to know anything about my personal life. Even when I had girlfriends in the past, she didn't want to know about it" she spoke low as her eyebrows furrowed together and her eyes dropped to her hands as she fidgeted with a shell in her fingers "I don't know why, but I tried so hard to earn her approval. We don't talk much now. Our relationship is.... distant"

Some moments passed as I let everything she was saying sink in before I answered. I could tell this wasn't an easy subject for her to talk about and I didn't want to say the wrong thing. I reached out, grabbing her hand and interlocked our fingers
"She's missing out" I smiled at her sweetly and gave her hand a little squeeze "I'm glad you have your Dad. Hopefully one day she'll come around"
She shook her head
"I don't think that will happen. I gave up counting on it a long time ago. It's okay is what it is " she turned to me, shrugging her shoulders and giving me a little half smile but I could see there was a sadness behind her eyes.
I laid back down into my chair and stared at the ocean, watching the waves crash against the sand
Some moments passed before Taylor spoke again
"When did you know" she spoke softly
"About what?" I said still watching the waves
"That you're gay" she chuckled slightly
It suddenly dawned on me that I'd never actually talked about this shit out loud. I'd never even really thought about it like that since being with Taylor...I'm gay...and it felt normal...and I was happy about haha
"Oh..uh- I guess... it's kinda like what you said. I always knew there was something different but I didn't know what it was until I met you" I fiddled with my rings feeling my face go red
"What about before you met me?" She questioned, turning to face me now
"I mean...I've always found some women attractive but i thought that was normal. You were always different. Like...the moment I saw you I felt different. And I knew there was a bigger reason why I wanted to get to know you so badly" I smiled at her sweetly as I spoke. Fuck I've never heard anything so lame come out of my mouth before... but it was true. This girl had me deep
As she smiled at me wildly I shrugged my shoulders and rolled my eyes as I felt my lips begin to pinch at the corners
"Aw Bils gone all soft" she teased as she got up from her chair and wrapped her arms around me, lifting me up as I wrapped my legs around her
"Only for you baby girl" I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her neck
She placed a tender kiss on my lips, smiling slightly before pulling away and placing me back onto my feet on the sand
I know it's been a full day since I last updated and I'm so sorry! This week has been crazy busy :/
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