Almost home

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Billies POV

We had finally reached the end of the tour and the bus was making its way back to LA. The last few shows were absolutely enormous and the fans definitely weren't shy about interrogating me about Taylor as I had publicly outed us a few weeks ago. It felt good to be out though. I could not only be public with Taylor but I finally felt like I could be myself. There was no more hiding and life couldn't be any better.

The bus was quiet as it drove through the night with all its passengers having turned themselves in to bed. I lay in bed with a sleeping Taylor slumped heavily between my legs with her arms draped softly up my torso with her hands scrunched into my shirt and head rested just above my hip bone. I ran my fingers tenderly through her hair while looking down at her to study her features as soft snores escaped through parted lips. She always had a child like innocence about her when she slept.
I began to softly hum 'come out and play' as I continued to run my hands through Taylor's loose hair. It was a song that I had always associated with Taylor since we met.
Taylor sighed in her sleep before her lips tugged into a small little smile. God she was so fucking beautiful.
I switched from humming to singing very softly as Taylor's eyes began to flutter open, her sleepy gaze meeting mine as she smiled so tenderly at me, still lying in the same position with her head rested on my bare lower stomach where the seam of my shirt had been pushed up.
Her hand began to trace little circles beneath my shirt just below my breast line. I giggled at her touch as her hand snaked cheekily up to cup my breast, earning a tired but toothy grin and a wink from Taylor. I gave her a little air kiss before winking at her.
"Your voice is breathtaking" Taylor mumbled tiredly. "It's my favourite" she smiled sweetly before placing a quick gentle kiss to my bare stomach just below my navel. I felt goosebumps begin to rise as Taylor began peppering my stomach with gentle, open mouthed kisses and her hand tracing across my ribs causing me to squirm and giggle beneath her.
She stopped suddenly as her gaze met mine, smiling cheekily as she had just discovered on of my painful secrets.
"Are you..ticklish miss O'Connell?" She grinned devilishly and raised her eyebrow at me
"What? No?" I tried to state as matter of factly as I could while fighting the smile that was tugging at my lips. Taylor sat up quickly and straddled herself on my waist pinning me down beneath her.
"Hmmm you sure? Cause it kinda seems like you are" she was grinning wickedly at me now as both of her hands snaked up my shirt to my ribs
"Tay...Don't you dare-" I was quickly cut off as Taylor's hands began squeezing my ribs causing me to buck and squirm beneath her as I squealed loud, surely waking the entire bus up now.
"B-babe!" I squeaked through fits of laughter
"What's the magic word baby girl" Taylor pressed, still tickling relentlessly at my sides and grinning wildly
"B-babe please stop!" I squealed as I attempted to fight back but was losing the battle pathetically
"Nope. Try again love" she chuckled, pausing her movements for a moment to stare at me with her childish grin
I seized my opportunity to flip Taylor onto her back, switching our positions from before so that I was now on top of her and ready to attack.
She laid calmly beneath me, her expression neutral as she stared back at me with her liquid pools of silver.
I traced her collarbone with my index finger before cupping her cheek gently in my hand. She was so entrancing when she stared at me like that. I tilted her chin with my thumb and forefinger as I leaned down and captured her lips tenderly as they parted beneath mine. I allowed myself to melt into the kiss as her hands wandered underneath my shirt and rested firmly on my hips.
Taylor sat up, while never breaking the kiss, and pulled my hips closer into her so that our bodies moulded together with as much contact as possible. I knotted my fingers in her loose hair as my tongue danced along her lower lip, hinting to deepen the kiss
Taylor obliged, allowing me access as the kiss intensified, my hands now tugging gently between knotted locks earning a low hum from Taylor.
I began moving my lips down to her jaw line as I placed soft, warm kisses across her jaw and down to her neck as Taylor sighed in to me.
"I love you" I mumbled in between kisses "I love all of you....Every inch of you. You're all mine and only mine. Always."
"All yours. Always" she hummed with approval, her hands beginning to trace up and down my sides beneath my shirt
I cupped her cheeks with my hands before placing yet another tender kiss against her lips before pulling away to meet her gaze again.
"I love you" she whispered before tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear
"I love you more" I shot back with a smile
"Not possible" she chuckled, kissing my forehead sweetly before laying back into the pillows and pulling me on top of her so that I was now laying on her chest
"We should sleep. We'll be back in LA in a few hours" she mumbled against my forehead as she kissed it again
I allowed my eyes to slowly droop shut as Taylor traced comforting circles along my back
"Love you" I mumbled sleepily into the crook of her neck as I breathed in the vanilla scent of her skin
"Love you too" she whispered soft and low just as the warmth of her skin began to wash over me, sending me into a deep sleep.


Hey readers!
I'm so sorry that it's literally been forever since my last update!
I've been so busy with work that I haven't had the time or motivation to keep writing :/ but I'm really sorry to everyone who had been waiting for an update

I hope everyone is healthy as staying safe during these crazy crazy times! Please feel free to reach out if you need to talk to anyone too because I know a lot of people are feeling pretty anxious with the spread of covid-19
Stay safe all!

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