Smoke alarm

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Taylor's POV

I woke softly to the sound of the birds chirping outside my window. I stretched my limbs, hearing them crack at the joints and searched for Billie in the sheets.
"Bil?" I croaked as I sat up in the empty bed
No answer.
I quickly threw on a sports bra and a pair of shorts and made my way out the room, toward the kitchen
"Baby?" I mumbled, scratching my head as I walked into the kitchen.
No Billie.
I could faintly hear the shower running down the hall and made my way to the door which was half open. Weird that she'd leave the door open like that since we weren't alone in the house..
"Babe?" I whispered as I gently pushed the door with my hand so that it swung all the way open and walked into the bathroom. There was an odd noise coming from behind the shower as I moved closer
Fap Fap Fap Fap!
"Babe what are you-oh my god what the fuck!" I screamed as I pulled the shower curtain back revealing a very naked Brooke and Finneas as they both screamed in terror.
"Tay what the fuck!" Brooke squealed as she hid herself behind Finneas who was pathetically attempting to cover his huge boner.
"Oh my god sorry sorry sorry..." I quickly turned away covering my eyes and threw the curtain shut behind me "Why the fuck would you leave the door open! I thought it was Billie in here!"
"My bad!" Finneas called out as I slammed the door shut behind me and made my way back to the kitchen, still covering my face with my hands in sheer embarrassment from what I just witnessed
"Hey beautiful I got you coff- babe? What's wrong?" Billie appeared through the front door holding two coffees
I planted myself on one of the stools at the kitchen counter and banged my head on the countertop, still covering my face which I knew was probably beet red
"Baby what happened?" She said, placing the drinks on the countertop
"I walked in on my best friend and your brother going hard at it in the shower" I mumbled against the cold stone
"Oh my god what the fuck!" Billie covered her mouth as she tried to suppress her laughter
"That's what I said too" I groaned, feeling the heat in my face grow even more
"My poor baby. I'm sorry you had to see that" she chuckled as she ran her fingers through my hair, moving loose strands away from my face.
I pried my face away from the cold countertop and met her gaze, feeling the heat subside slightly from my cheeks.
"Me too" I mumbled grumpily as I reached for her waist and pulled toward me so that she was now sitting in my lap
"Well I got you something that might make you feel better" she kissed the top of my forehead before handing me a coffee.
"Have I ever told you you're the love of my life?" I winked at her before moaning dramatically as I took a large gulp of the hot beverage and wrapped my arm tighter around her waist
"As are you mamas" she giggled as she planted soft kisses against the nape of my neck "mmmm maybe later we could make some use of the shower too" she mumbled against my skin as she trailed little kisses along my jawline
"I don't trust that they'll clean the shower when they're done so maybe not here" I chuckled loudly, taking another swing of the vanilla latte
"My house" Billie smirked
"Done. But first, breakfast, then we're going out. There's no way I'm spending the day here with tweedle dum and tweedle dee fucking like rabbits in my own damn house" I grinned as I stood up, lifting Billie up with me as I placed her gently on the countertop and peppered her face with little kisses
"Breakfast sounds good. What's on the menu babe?" she giggled, lacing her fingers with mine
"Anything you want my love" I smiled before kissing her forehead, earning another soft giggle.
Billies POV ⚠️

I watched Taylor whirl around the kitchen as she cooked up her famous batch of pancakes.
Her hair was tied up in a messy bun, which was what she always did whenever she was cooking. Georgia - by Vance joy played softly in the background from the Bluetooth speaker that she kept in the kitchen for such occasions as these, as she hummed and swayed to the music while she prepared the pancake mix. I'd learned that it was one of her favourite songs among many others and I loved that she had such a wide variety in taste of music.
As I sat on the cold stone countertop, I watched in awe as Taylor preoccupied herself with a pan on the stove top, pouring the mixture into the pan and flipping the pancake once it was done on one side. I couldn't help but stare as my mind raced forward to time years from now where Taylor would stand in the kitchen cooking breakfast just like she did now, with wedding rings, a home of our own and smaller versions of us running around the house. I'd never really given much thought to things like that until i met Taylor, but every so often I found my mind would trail off to what the future might look like.
"Whatcha staring at" Taylor's voice pulled me out of my thoughts as she moved towards me and stood between my legs
"I was just thinking about stuff" I smiled sweetly as our eyes locked
"Oh? What kind of stuff" she smirked as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear.
"Future stuff" I said as casually as I could, knowing the blush in my cheeks was giving me away
"Does it look okay?" She whispered, her tone more serous now as she traced soothing circles on my hips with her thumbs
"It looks perfect" I whispered as I wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her in to connect our lips
I wrapped my legs around her waist, pulling our bodies closer together as the kiss quickly turned from sweet and gentle, to hot and passionate.
I traced Taylor's lower lip with my tongue, demanding for entrance which she quickly obliged as I knotted my fingers deeper in her hair.
"The pancakes are going to burn" she whispered, pulling away slightly
"Don't care" I mumbled as I pulled her back in again, desperately connecting our lips as I kissed her harder than before. "I want you. Right now" I moaned as Taylor's lips moved from my lips to my neck, kissing her way down my throat.
"Right now?" She echoed, still nipping and sucking at the sweet spot on my neck
"Right fucking now baby" I sighed into her as my hands tugged slightly on her hair. 
"But what about Brooke and Fi-"
"Don't care" I cut her off as I quickly yanked my sweatpants and panties off and dropped them to the kitchen floor. The countertop was cold on my bare ass but I didn't care.
Taylor gently pushed me back so that I was now laying with my back against the countertop. She trailed hot open mouthed kisses along my hip bones and lower stomach before disappearing
"What are you doing?" I whimpered at the loss of contact, only to have Taylor quickly return from the pantry with something in her hand. "What is that?"
"Chocolate sauce. Don't worry it's vegan" she smirked wickedly as she popped the lid and drizzled the sauce over my already wet core.
Taylor wasted no time as she resumed trailing kisses up my thighs before flicking her tongue over my core and humming at the chocolate flavour mixed with my sex that filled her mouth.
"Oh my god" I moaned, sighing as I laid back against the countertop and closed my eyes
Taylor's tongue moved expertly, sliding through my wet folds and flicking over my clit causing me to whimper loudly
"Mmmm" she hummed as she licked up the chocolate that dripped over my clit.
I knotted my hands in her hair once again and pulled roughly at her scalp.
Taylor took that as her queue as she moved her fingers through my folds and inserted a single digit inside of me, causing me to moan loudly and buck my hips forward. I could smell the pancakes burning behind us but I didn't care.
"Fuck!" I moaned as Taylor moved her finger slowly in and out of me while still licking and sucking the remaining chocolate from my clit. "Baby. More. Please" I whimpered, and with that she inserted a second finger.
I could feel the tension building in my core as her fingers curled in and out of me, their pace quickening with each stroke. As the feeling began to grow more and more, I hitched one leg over Taylor's shoulder, heightening my senses and making me moan louder despite the company we had under the same roof.
"I want you to look at me when you cum. Can you do that for me baby?" She whispered against my clit, her fingers still sliding in and out of my core.
I managed to prop myself up on my elbows so that my eyes locked with hers as I watched her eat me out.
"Fuck I'm going to come" I moaned, my hand death gripping on her scalp as I rolled my hips on her digits. Her gaze locked onto me as her tongue flicked over my bundle of nerves.
I felt myself begin to fall over the edge as I screamed loudly, the smoke alarm now joining in as I climaxed. Taylor's continued her movements more gently now as I rode out my high in harmony with the smoke alarm.
"Dude what the fuck is burni-oh my god what the fuck!" I heard Brooke scream from the kitchen archway before retreating back to her bedroom
As I slowly started to come down, Taylor seemingly un-phased by the high-pitched beeping  or the fact that her best friend had just walked in on us fucking, licked the remainder of chocolate off of me and smirked cheekily before swiftly turning both the stovetop and smoke alarm off.
" you...are...incredible" I sighed as I began to catch my breath again
"What can I say? You and chocolate sauce is my favourite combination" she smirked, wiping the chocolate residue from the corners of her mouth.
"You know Brooke walked in on us right?" I chuckled as I jumped down from the countertop and put my panties and sweats back on
"I know. Karma works in mysterious ways" she shrugged before pulling me in again and cupped my ass.
"You're the devil" I giggled, lacing my arms around her neck
"Yeah but at least I'm on your team" she winked and connected our lips once again.


Hey guys! Sorry this update took a while!

I hope everyone is still enjoying the story ❤️ stay safe and stay home if you can
I'm still working my second job right now so I'll be updating as often as I can. My main job has been closed down for a couple of weeks now and it fucking sucks. I miss it so much 😭

Please keep on commenting and voting for chapters that you enjoy
All feedback is always appreciated

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