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Billies POV ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

I sat by the edge of large pool of our hotel, my legs swirling around in the water. It was dark out but the outdoor space was lit up by Tiki torches and neon blue lights stuck to the pools surface beneath the water. I watched the little blue shards of light dance off the surface of the water, reflecting onto Taylor's muscular back as she stood in the shallow end of the pool looking up at the stars in the sky. I was so mesmerized by  the way the little beads of water would trickle against her tan skin, down her shoulders and back into the pool water. She turned to face me and smiled me a flashy grin, her perfect white teeth even brighter against the blue lit water.
"You're not getting in?" She asked, as she closed the space between us
"Not a fan of deep water" I shook my head and smiled shyly. It was true though... i was terrified of the ocean specifically, but I mostly avoided deep water in general.
"What if I hold you. You can cling to my back" she  murmured, gliding her wet hands on my outer thighs.
"Hmmm I dunno babe. I'm kinda scared" I admitted dropping my head with embarrassment
"I promise not to let go" she stood so that she was between my legs now, her hands intertwined with mine
I stayed silent
"Looks like you might need a little persuading" she mumbled in a low voice as she moved her face just inches away from mine
"Babe-" I started to say before being cut off by Taylor's lips against mine. She kissed me gentle and sweet as her hands slid up my outer thigh and rested on my hips.
I couldn't resist her. I gave in as I melted into her lips, knotting my fingers in her loose wet hair and pulling her close to me. I wrapped my legs around her, wanting as much contact as physically possible. Her tongue glided on my lower lip, asking for entrance. I let her as our tongues searched for dominance. She always won of course.
As the kiss slowed, she pulled away and grinned at me cheekily.
"Look down" she whispered
I hadn't even noticed until now that I was wet. And not in the way I wanted to be, although I was kinda wet in that way too if I'm being perfectly honest here. She'd used the ultimate distraction to coax me into the pool with her.
"Taylor!" I squealed, laughing heavily and clinging to her as she held me tight against her in the water
"See? This isn't so bad? I've got you babe" her voice was soft now as she bobbed us gently in the water
"You Taylor Marshall, are unbelievable" I pouted with a serious face before breaking into a cheesy grin.
"In more ways than one" she murmured in a low voice and winked at me
"Prove it" I said bluntly
I felt her hands glide to my ass as she watched me with silver eyes, smirking slightly at the contact
Suddenly our lips were together again. This time there was an urgency to the kiss. Like we both needed each other badly. It had been over a week since we had been able to get physical with each other. We'd been crammed in a bus all this time surrounded by my family which made it impossible for us to even get close to having sex so tonight was definitely special for us and I was ready as fuuuuck to ease the tension that has been building in me for days now. Makes it hard when Taylor looks so fuckin good all the time sheesh.
My hands which were still knotted in Taylor's hair, scrunched little tufts of hair and began to pull gently. I felt Taylor moan into my lips as I kissed her hot and wet. I felt my back push up against the side of the pool and Taylor's body press even closer against mine.
I opened my eyes and noticed we weren't alone. I froze against her lips as people walked by the pool, not really paying any attention to what we were doing down the other end but it was still way too public where we were. Taylor noticed me freeze and turned her head to look over her shoulder
"Uhh... maybe not here" she said as she turned her head back to look at me and chuckled loud.
She gently lifted me out of the pool as I clung to her, still slightly afraid of letting go in the water, and placed me so that I was sitting back in my place on the side of the pool.
I grabbed myself a towel and watched Taylor walk up the steps of the pool, water dripping off her and little beads of water resting in the contours of her abs. Damn she's got me all fucked up

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