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Billies POV

"Yo Bil you ready? We go on in 5!" Fins voice snapped me out of my thoughts as I stood backstage holding my microphone. My mind had kept drifting to Taylor all day... I couldn't stop thinking and worrying about her. I know she's been through so much shit in her life and can take care of herself but I just hated that I wasn't there with her.
"Bil! Did you hear me?! Cmon focus sis!" He shook my shoulders "I've gotta head over to my side now. Wait for your queue and remember Bil, let's just have fun out there alright?"
I nodded in agreement as I began to bring myself back down to earth an concentrate on the task at hand. I waited a few seconds before looking to the other side curtain of the stage where Finneas now was. He was with someone but it was too dark to see who. They're hugging? Who the fuck is that?
Suddenly, the crowd began to whistle and cheer as the lights faded and the introduction music and visuals on the back screen started to play
Focus Billie. They're all here for you. Breathe.
I walked slowly out onto the stage as the audience erupted.
The music started on my queue as I started to jump to the beat of Bad Guy. I looked over at Finn who was grinning at me and pointing at the front of the stage. The fuck?

White shirt now red, my bloody nose
Sleepin', you're on your tippy toes
Creepin' around like no one knows
Think you're so criminal

I danced my way to the middle of the stage as I sung the lines. There was a guard standing at the front of the stage but it was too dark to see them.
I turned to look at Finneas again. He was jumping and pointing to the guard that stood in front of the stage. What the fuck has got into him?

Bruises on both my knees for you
Don't say Thankyou or please

I inched closer to the front of the stage as I tried to see who the guard was. Why was Finneas pointing at them so much? Was it Taylor? I could see a long scar on the side of the girls head.

I do what I want when I'm wanting to
My soul so-
"Yo hold up hold up. Sorry guys I just need a quick sec" I yelled into my microphone to the crowd as I finally realized that the guard was in fact Taylor. I stood frozen on the stage as she turned herself around and was now facing me, grinning triumphantly.
"Hi baby" she mouthed to me
"I'm so sorry guys. Just need a sec to-" I cleared the distance between us as I knelt onto the edge of the stage and held Taylors face in my hands as I pulled her in to kiss me, sending the audience into a fit of screams and loud whistling.
It was instant fire as our mouths connected. I felt myself collapse into her as my arms snaked around the back of her neck, pulling our lips hard against each other.
Her lips were so warm and soft as I  kissed her wildly in front of literally thousands of screaming fans. I don't even give a fuck that I'm not out to the public yet, I needed this with Taylor right now. It was almost as if our surroundings blurred around us and we were just completely entranced by the connection of our lips.
I felt her smile and giggle slightly against my lips before slowly pulling away and looking at me with her beautiful silver eyes that I missed so much.
"I love you" she whispered, smiling at me with wild eyes and ruffled hair "but baby you have a show to do so I'll explain later" she added, snapping me out of my trance as I was suddenly aware of the thousands of people watching and screaming behind us
"I love you mamas" I whispered back before kissing her once more, sending the audience into a fit again. I could just imagine the amount of pictures and videos of Taylor and I kissing that were being uploaded to the internet right this second.
I stood up as Taylor assumed her position facing the audience again.
"Yo, sorry about that haha! Let's get back to it" I chuckled casually into the microphone before starting to jump again as fin followed my queue and replaying the music where we left off. I'm probably in huge trouble with my management team for literally outing myself on stage in front of thousands of people  but I couldn't give a single fuck right now. I just can't believe my baby is here.
Taylor's POV

I watched in the monitor as Billie finished her final song for the night before making her way to the front of the stage and standing behind me.
"What a fucking crowd yo! I love you Philly and goodnight!" She said into the microphone before the stage went dark and people started to move out of the arena.
I felt Billies arms snake over my shoulders and Billies lips connect with my neck in the dark as she was now sitting on the stage behind me. I spun around to face her as our lips connected again and her legs wrapped around my waist.
"How?" She said breathless in between kisses
I smiled into her as my hands found their place on her hips as I pulled her closer to me
"Baby how are you here? What about your Dad?" She separated our lips now so that she could look at me
"I promise I'll explain my love. But right now I need to get you backstage and away from any possible chance of you being kidnapped by one of your crazy fans. I'm not up for sharing you tonight, you're all mine" I answered with a cheeky smile before placing two small hot kisses against her throat.
"Mmmm good point. They were fucking crazy tonight" she mumbled before grinning wildly
I looked out across the arena to see that most people were filing out already, but there was still a decent sized pack of fans hanging fairly close by to the stage in hopes to catch one more glimpse of Billie.
"Cmon babe we should go" I said as i separated our bodies and climbed onto the stage with her and escorted her backstage.
"Can we go somewhere? Just us" she whispered to me as we made it backstage. There were crew members all over the place already beginning to pack up the lighting and sound equipment.
"Green room?" I said back as we dodged through the packs of crew members
"Not private enough. I know of a place. Can you get us away from here without us being noticed? I'll text Fin when we get away so everyone doesn't go into lockdown, but I just want to be alone with you tonight" She whispered again as she grabbed my hand
She was grinning at me now.
"Roger that haha Let's go" I said as I ushered her out the back door

How was everyone's day today?
Thankyou everyone for voting for my story! I know I haven't been updating as much lately and I'm sorry! Ive got two jobs so life is pretty crazy right now haha
I love writing this story though so I hope y'all still love the fuck out of it!

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