Bad news

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Billies POV

The hours seemed to drag today. So many meetings and sound checks in preparation for tonight, but I was ready. I missed Taylor like fucking crazy. It always bothered me to be away from her but it was getting closer to the hour before the show would start which meant she'd be here soon.
I sat in my green room eating a bag of takis patiently waiting for her to meet me here. I know her talk with my Mom would've been more than fine so I'm really not worried about that at all. I was extra excited  to see her this time though because I had a little surprise planned for her. I'd lit a bunch of candles and had a perfect bouquet of roses for her plus there was plane tickets for the both of us to go on a months vacation to Fiji after the tour. I was never the cheesy, sappy, lame girlfriend type but Taylor was honestly so fucking worth it. I also knew that tonight before the show, would be the night that I'd tell her how I feel about her, which by the way was a big deal to me. Id pictured how I was going to say it so many times over in my head.I'd almost said it so many times now and I wanted it to be special so tonight would be the perfect time. I love her... probably more than I've ever loved anything before. It had to be perfect.
I leaned back into the couch as I watched the clock impatiently. I told her to meet me a good amount of time before the show starts so she'd be here any minute now.
I closed my eyes and tried to relax as I waited out the minutes.
I heard the door close behind Taylor as she entered the green room. Her footsteps where soft and quiet as they approached me.
I felt two hands snake up my chest as her arms wrapped around my neck. I kept my eyes closed, and smiled as I felt her position herself so that she was now straddling my lap. Weird.... she feels way smaller and smells different.
"Damn baby girl what's all this?" I heard a voice whisper in my ear
What the fuck that is not Taylor's voice. My eyes snapped open
"What the fuck are you doing here dude! Get off me!" I threw Dani off me as I stood up
Her mouth pinched into a devilish smile as she moved herself close to me again "I'm fucking serious D, back off" my tone was cold and serious
"Aw come on shawty. You know you want it" she smirked as she threw herself at me, pushing my back up against the wall. I heard the door swing open behind us. Fuck!
"Hey babe I have something to tell—you..." I watched as Taylor stood frozen in the doorway. Her expression was flat and rigid and her eyes were glistening under the candle lit room as they started to pool.
She turned on her heels and left as quickly as she'd entered.
"Taylor wait!" I pushed Dani off me and ran after her "Taylor! Stop!"
I couldn't keep up with her as she pushed past the backstage crew and out the door.
"Yo stop her! please!" I screamed as I ran past the crew who looked confused.
I flew out the back door and into the dark, empty staff parking lot. Taylor wasn't here.
Dani followed soon after out the door where I stood. I turned sharp on my heels to face her
"What the fuck is wrong with you!" My voice was harsh and angry as my eyes began to look as I stared her down
"Aw cmon Bils! I was just fuckin around with ya baby!" She laughed
"Is this a fucking joke to you?! Taylor is my girlfriend. Do you get that? My GIRLFRIEND! You and I are friends! Always have been and that is it! Get that into your head!" I felt my blood start to boil as she stood there smirking at me.
"I came to surprise you baby girl. Aren't you happy to see me?" She pouted, obviously not taking the hint that I wasn't joking around
"I'm not your fucking baby. I would've been happy to see you if you hadn't have pulled that stupid ass stunt back there and ruined my relationship with Taylor. So to answer your question, no. I'm definitely not happy to see you. Go home Dani" I turned my back to her and pulled my phone out to call Taylor.
Finneas suddenly appeared in the doorway behind Dani
"Hey uh, bils.... we gotta get ready. We're on soon" he stammered awkwardly as he realized he'd just walked into something
"No. I need to find Taylor. I'm not doing this until I find her" I was sobbing now as the phone rung out and reached Taylor's voicemail.
"Fuck!" My voice shook as I hung up the phone and dialled Taylor's number again.
***"Hey this is Taylor Marshall. I'm not available right now but leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can"***
"Babe! please call me back! I know it looked bad but it wasn't what you think I promise! I'll explain everything, just me" I hung up the phone again and started to sob harder now as tears began to stream heavy down my cheeks.
"Bil, ill send Brooke out to look for her but we need to go. We're on in 30 minutes"
Every fibre in my body was screaming at me to just cancel the show and find Taylor, but instead I turned and walked back inside the arena.
Taylor's POV 30 minutes until show starts

I sat against a tree in some park. My cheeks streaked with tears as I silently cried in the darkness. I have no idea where the fuck I was but I couldn't really care less right now. I can't believe what just happened. How could Billie do this. I was just about to tell her I love her... how is this even possible and what the fuck is Dani even doing here.
I pulled out my phone and turned on the screen. My hands were shaking hard as I looked at the notifications. 2 missed calls and a voicemail from Billie.
Suddenly my phone vibrated in my hand again. An unknown number was calling. Maybe it was Finneas. I slid the answer button and slowly brought the phone to my ear
"Hel...hello.?" I whispered as my voice croaked.
"Hello is this Taylor Marshall?" The man said. I didn't recognize the mans voice that was speaking in the other line
"Um. Yes. Yes this is Taylor" my voice croaked again
"Taylor, this is Officer Jackson from the LA Police Department. I attempted to reach you today at your house but it appeared nobody was home. Im very sorry to inform you that your parents have been in a terrible accident this evening. I'm currently at the hospital with your father who is unconscious but in a stable condition. Your Mother was in a very critical condition upon arrival to the hospital. The doctors did everything they could but were unable to revive her. If you need any support during this difficult time I will leave you some contact information and we will be sure to help you in any way that you need. I'm very so very sorry for you loss." the mans voice began to fade as a ringing took over in my ears.
"What... what do you mean they were unable to revive her. Is she dead? Is my mom... dead?" My voice began to shake as a wave of shock began to consume me
"Yes. I'm so sorry Taylor. If you need anything,
Please give me a call. I would advise that you head down to the hospital as soon as you can. Your father is stable, however he will be heading into surgery tomorrow"
"Ok. Thankyou officer..." I hung up the phone as my face dropped to my hands. Saying Thankyou to news like that felt so fucking wrong and stupid. My mom is dead. We never had the greatest relationship... but she's still my Mom. I sat crying against the tree for what felt like forever. My ears were still ringing as my mind replayed everything that happened with Billie and then the phone call from Officer Jackson.
My phone began to buzz again. It was Brooke calling this time.
I answered it slowly without speaking this time.
"Taylor! Where the fuck are you?!" Brooke's worries voice said over the line

I know this part of the story is really really sad and it sucks but you can't have everything be happy in a story 😅 please keep reading! ❤️❤️

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