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Taylor's POV

"Oh man it's so good to have you back dude! We missed you here! It really hasn't been the same without you" Phil beamed, practically bouncing on his heels as we stood guard at the entrance of the club, checking ID's as the patrons entered.
"It's good to be back Phil. But you know it's not permanent right? I'll help out when I can but I'm also Billies personal bodyguard remember?" I chuckled
"I know I know. How's that going for you by the way? You two seem serious" he replied with a tone of curiosity in his voice as he side eyed me
"Yeah we are, and it's really really good. She's amazing Phil. You'd really like her" I smiled to the ground as I motioned for the next patron to head inside.
"Well I only met her for a second last time she was here but I definitely approve. You should bring her around here again" Phil chuckled as he checked the next persons ID
"Fat chance after what happened last time" I laughed as I pointed to the newest scar on my head
"True" he shrugged
"You should meet her though-" I began to say before I was cut off by the transmission on my radio

"Joanne to Taylor" the voice on the other end said
"Go ahead for Taylor" I quickly replied
"I'm seeing some odd activity on our CCTV in the staff parking lot behind the club" Joanne said as the sound of her fingers drumming on the keyboard echoed through the radio
"10-4. I'll go check it out" I sighed, nodding at Phil as I made my way inside and toward the back entrance of the club
"Thanks girl. I'll send another guard your way just in case" she added before cutting out the transmission again and radioing for a second guard.
I pushed open the back door and made my way into the lot. Even with the sound of the club music thumping behind me I was still able to hear the distinctive sound of a car window smashing under iron.
"Wooooohweeee! Fuckin bitch is gonna think twice now!" A loud voice cheered as the sound of another window smashed
I quietly made my way towards the noise and peered around a car to see a large crow bar between two hands hitting the back window of someone's Prius.
"Stole my fucking woman!" She screeched again as the crow bar smashed against the roof of the car, hitting the metal with a hard thud.
"She was meant to be mine bitch! And then you came out of nowhere and...and fuckin.... fuckin stole her from me! Billies mine!" She screamed, this time throwing the crowbar at the review mirror, causing it to snap completely off of the side of the car and smashed to the ground as the crow bar hit the pavement with a rattled clang.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing" I muttered sternly as I approached the smaller girl
"Oh and speak of the fuckin' devil! There she is in all her slutty glory! Are you gonna cry and run away again like last time?" Dani slurred and cheered as I approached her. She was clearly highly intoxicated as she swayed and lost her balance before steadying herself against the hood of the destroyed Prius.
"Why did you do that" I pressed calmly as I inched my way closer towards her
"What. You don't like the improvements I made to your stupid, shitty car?" She slurred, giggling as she admired her handy work
"Ummmm that's not my car dude..." I half chuckled
"Uhhhh yeah it is" Dani sighed dramatically as she rolled her eyes
"No it's actually not. But A+ for effort." I shot back, still inching closer. She was only a few feet away from me now
"What? Yes it is! This is your car! I know it's your car!" She began to back away as I took another step closer
"Do I really strike you as someone who would own let alone drive a Prius? Like cmon....I drive a truck genius" I fought a smile as I watched the realization flood across danis face.
"You fucking stole her" she spat through gritted teeth, still inching back as I moved closer toward her.
"What do you mean stole her? She was never yours. She chose me" I said calmly, taking another step
"She didn't know she wanted me yet! She would've! But then you stole her"
"Dani. We're not fucking doing this. Billie chose me. I don't know why but she did. If she wanted you I'm sure she would've made that clear. She. doesn't. want. you" I spoke as clearly and calmly as I could but I could tell Dani was just getting more and more agitated by the second
"Yeah? Well... how about this?!" She screeched, as she swung her fist and connected it with my eye socket.
Before she could swing again I caught her fist with my hand and twisted her arm behind her back causing Dani to scream out as I gripped her arm tightly before pushing her face down into the parking lot pavement.
"You fucking idiot" I grunted, pushing my knee into her back in order to keep her on the ground
"Yo T! You okay? I called the cops!" I heard another guard from the club call out from behind me as he ran towards us, boots crunching against the broken glass on the pavement.
"I'm fine. Help me get her up" I huffed as I repositioned myself before we hoisted her up together and moved her away from the broken glass.
"Yo you're gonna fucking pay for this bitch! I got glass in my nose!" Dani protested as we dragged her toward the concrete wall away from the carnage.
"Call for Phil...and an ambulance wouldn't hurt" I said to the guard, ignoring Dani as she attempted to struggle under both of our grips
Billies POV

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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