CHAPTER 4: A Deal With The Devil

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I swear I don't remember her telling me anything about it. But on the other hand, if she did tell me when I was drunk, why ask me and why not remind me at least?

Whatever, I'm gonna brush it off since I have more important matters to deal with right now.

When I walked outside the condo building, just as expected, Angus' guys was already waiting for me along the curbside and held out the door for me.

I got in and we began driving towards meeting up with him.

I still haven't found a way to get out of this shit I have with Angus but I hope that I figure it out real soon.

After pulling up in front if what looks to be a fairly new opened kind of a restaurant, when I walked inside, I right away noticed Angus was sitting, eating some food as he waited for me. Then once he looked up and spotted me, he motioned for me to come over. So I head over and sit across from him.

"Want something to eat?" He asks.

"Nah thanks." I tell him.

"Grab him a deli sandwich." He says to the guy on his left. "So what do you think of this place, huh?" He asks me.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked.

He smiles and waves his finger pointing at me as he wipes his mouth and drinks down the last of his beer.

"One of the many things I like about you." He tells me. "Always wanting to get to the point."

"Yep." I reply.

"I brought you here because I wanted to show you my new investment. And to talk with you about a few jobs coming up that I'm gonna need you for." He tells me.

"Like what?"

"Like for instance, in a couple months from now, I need for you to head to Paris. I've got business I need to do and need someone with your strength to come and help me." He says.

"I told you that I'm not going to do shit like that for you anymore. That wasn't part of the deal." I remind him.

"Yeah well, you work for me. Whatever I ask you to do, no matter what it is, we both know you have to do it." He grins.

I shake my head not believing that I'm gonna even entertain this idea remotely for one moment but I need to have a heads up as to what kind of job it is exactly and for how long.

"There's a guy who decided to steal from me a month ago. I plan to get it back and am willing to make you a brand new deal." He says.

"Like what?!" I asked.

"I know you've been wanting a different life and to get rid of me. So I'll make you a deal. You help me get this little shit and get back what was mine and I will never bother you again." He offers.

I look at him for a while as I don't know if I can entirely trust him or not.

"That's bullshit! You and I both know you don't let people go that easily." I call his bluff.

"Fair enough. As true as that is, I care very much about this item I need you to retrieve for me that is worth more than your life and many more. Not to mention the one you will be getting it from is none other than Rogue Matherson."

Rogue Matherson is so terrifying of a person and is more brutal and horrifying than Angus and even makes Jack The Ripper and Hannibal Lecter look like amateurs. He is vile and never holds back. Nobody ever goes up against him and if they do, they rarely come out alive.

"Seriously?! What the fuck?! That guy is a sick fuck!" I snap at him. "I'm not going to go against him. Shit, even if I got lucky and was able to get back what you wanted, he could rip my insides out with his bare hands and feed them to his men and dogs." I say.

"You're the only one I can trust to do this." He says lowly as he leans forward. Then sits back in the seat. "That's why I'm willing to give you in return what I just offered."

I start thinking for a moment. He sounds serious and as much as it goes against my better judgement, I still think it's a good deal. Besides, I have a while before I will have to leave and so this way I can try to prepare myself more. I can't believe I'm gonna do this.

"Deal." I tell him as we shake each others hands.

"Good." He smirks while shaking my hand.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Looks like he just made a deal with the devil. Or the devil's helper. :/

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